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Cryptography, Padding Oracles

Tom Stuart edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 13 revisions


  • A brief history of cryptography
    • Herodotus wrote of secret messages written on wood and covered in wax so that they appeared blank and, more outlandishly, writing a message on someone's head and waiting for their hair to regrow, swallowing balls of silk sealed in wax, invisible ink, etc.
    • Known as Steganography (steganos = covered, graphein = to write)
    • Works quite well but has a fundamental weakness: if the message is discovered, all information is revealed
    • So the development of Cryptography (kryptos = hidden), the message is not hidden but its meaning is so it can be intercepted but the information not lost
    • Transposition: where the letters retain their identity but change position, e.g. using a device such as a scytale
    • Substitution: where the letters retain their position but change their identity, e.g. the Caesar cipher
    • To simplify sharing algorithms (e.g. a substitution alphabet), can introduce the idea of a key which helps generate the substitution, e.g. a key word/phrase for the Caesar cipher
    • Symmetric-key encryption (share the same key)
    • Attack on substitution cipher if we know the language of the plain text: frequency analysis both of letters and pairs of letters (digrams), trigrams, etc.
  • One-Time Pad
    • XOR message with key of the same length (XOR is addition modulo 2)
    • Preserves the randomness completely
    • c = m ^ k
    • m = c ^ k
    • Shannon's "Perfect secrecy"
    • Impractical in practice due to key length
  • Block ciphers
  • The Padding Oracle Attack
    • Review CBC and how encryption and decryption works, concentrating on XOR
    • Padding errors
    • Guess the last byte of a block by exploiting padding checks
    • What if there's no explicit padding error? Side-channel attacks still a possibility
    • Real world examples of vulnerabilities


Ruby Implementation

  • An implementation of the padding oracle attack capable of decrypting a ciphertext encoded with DES and AES with cipher block chaining in Ruby: padding-oracles
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