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10TPEPSR Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages

Paul Mucur edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 4 revisions

The meeting

Pre-meeting notes

  • Notes for a lecture series given in 1967, one person's opinions on programming language theory at the time
  • The notes were circulated for a long time but only finally published in 2000
  • 1: Preliminary section, why studying programming languages is important
  • 1.1: Need formal jargon because it's so vague and we need to communicate effectively, e.g. what does "name" mean?
  • 1.2: Philosophical outlook: at this point in time, CS are still all mathematicians, constructivist vs classical mathematics
  • The important thing to study with programming languages is semantics (what can the language do), syntax isn't really important
  • Compares the state of programming language theory with Calculus when it was called the "Method of Fluxions" before they figured out differentials
  • Be very careful about what we formalise: "no axiomatisation without insight" but, on the flip side, avoid "perpetual vagueness"
  • Section 2: Core PL concepts, code examples are in CPL
  • 2.1 Assignment was totally novel at this point: unlike mathematics, computers have memory you can store things in
x = 3
x = y + 1
x = x + 1
  • Complex, conditional assignment
a > b ? j : k = i
  • General form:
left = right
  • 2.2 L-values and R-values
  • L-values = location (not just a pointer)
  • R-values = values
  • 2.3 Definitions
  • Declare a new L-value with an R-value: p = 3.5
  • Aliases (not commonly implemented): assigning to x would set M[2,2]
let x ≃ M[2,2]
  • 2.4: "Name", what we'd now call identifiers; Algol's "call by name" confuses things
  • 2.5: Numerals are "names of numbers", e.g. numbers written with different bases, e.g. 0253
  • 2.6: Conceptual model of L-values and R-values with names, numerals, numbers and vectors
  • Names have L-values that point to an R-value
  • Numerals don't have L-values but point directly to an R-value
  • Vector have L-values that point to other L-values (which then point to R-values)
  • Section 3: Conceptual constructs
  • 3.1: Expressions are pure, e.g.
1+ 1
sin(1 + x + y / x^2)
  • Commands:
x = 1
y = 1 + 1
z = sin(1 + x + y / x^2)
  • Expressions involve only R-values (like maths)
  • Commands involve at least one L-value
  • Keep expressions and commands separate
  • Power of programming language comes from how complex expressions can be
  • 3.2: How expressions work
  • Every expression has a value, let's focus on their R-values (ignore the L-values)
  • Referential transparency: the only thing you need to know about expressions are their values, you don't need to care about their form
sin(1 + 5)
sin(30 / 5)
  • Think only about calculating the value of a single expression at a time
  • All expressions exist in reference to some environment which provides the meaning of all variables
a + 3/a where a = 2 + 3/7
a + b - 3/a where a = b + 2/b
  • a is bound to a value, b is free as its value is not bound and must still be looked up in the environment
  • 3.2.3: Application structure, S-expressions
a + b == +(a, b)
  • No precedence rules, application order is explicit
  • Operators can be expressions too
D(sin) = cos
(D(sin))(*(3, a)) == cos(3 * a)
  • 3.2.4: Evaluation
  1. Evaluate the operator and the operands in any order
  2. Apply operator to the operands
  • Partial order on expressions: which expressions need to be evaluated in which order
  • Is an order of evaluation defined? Could we evaluate operands in parallel?
  • 3.2.4: Conditional expressions
x == 0 ? 0 : 1/x
  • We don't want to evaluate all the operands here
  • Do it with lambda expressions instead
  • 3.3: Order of evaluation is very important with commands
  • 3.3.1: Variables (in maths, they do not vary)
  • Cost of introducing commands (changing R-values in L-values), side effects are hard to reason about
  • 3.3.2: Abstract store: σ-notation, basically a symbol table of L-values to R-values, σ operations return a new symbol table
  • 3.4: Functions and routines: functions are portable expressions; routines are portable commands
f(x) = 5 * x^2 + 3 * x + 2 / x^3
f = -> x { 5 * x^2 + 3 * x + 2 / x^3 }
  • 3.4.2: Parameter calling modes: do we pass bound variables as L-values or R-values as arguments?
  • Fortran pass everything by R-value, ALGOL pass by L-value but ALGOL60 had "call by name" (thunks)
  • 3.4.3: Free variables
f(x) = x + a

# Free variable captured by R-value
a = 3
f(x) = x + a
# f(5) => 8
a = 10
# f(5) = 8

# By L-value
a = 3
f(x) = x + a
# f(5) => 8
a = 10
# f(5) = 15
  • 3.4.4: Own variable (like static variables in C/PHP)
  • 3.4.5: Functions and routines: as different as expressions and commands, side-effect-free or not
  • Try to avoid breaking referential transparency
  • 3.4.6: deal with with side effects not through functions/routines but by freezing the data they operate on
  • Constants: property of an L-value where its R-value cannot be changed
  • 3.4.7: fixed and free functions
  • Fixed: all variables are bound
  • Free: not all variables ar ebound
  • Fixed: it's clear what it will do, can be compiled separately
  • 3.4.8: Fixed functions can generate free functions at run-time
  • 3.5: First-class object distinction
  • 3.5.1: First and second class objects
(x > 1 ? a : b) + 6
(x > 1 ? sin : cos)(6)
  • Rationale that functions aren't first-class because mathematics assumes functions have simple names
  • 3.5.2: What is the R-value of a function? A closure with how to evaluate the function and its environment
  • 3.6: Types and polymorphism
  • Types are the representation and the range
  • Operations that are ambiguous unless you know the types of the arguments are polymorphic
  • Are types an attribute of the L-value or the R-value?
  • Manifest: types are an attribute of L-values
  • Latent: types are an attribute of R-values
  • 3.6.2: When can we figure out the types? At compile time or run time?
  • Compile type: manifest
  • Run time: latent
  • 3.6.3: if only R-values have types (as in dynamic languages)
  • 3.6.4: ad hoc polymorphism there is no single way to determine the type of result from the type of the arguments
  • Parametric polymorphism where we know the type of the argument and the result
  • 3.6.5: Types of functions include types and modes of calling its parameters and the types of its results
  • Variadic functions are a form of polymorphic functions
  • 3.7.1: once people used computers for non-numeric purposes then they discovered data structures such as arrays
  • 3.7.2: build types out of nodes (new entities that have no uncertainty) and elements (new entities that have uncertainty, e.g. maybe it's a scalar or maybe I'm a doublet)
  • 3.7.3: we need to know the L- and R-values to understand assignment with data structures
  • 3.7.4: pointer bit hacks
  • 3.7.6: pointers, an R-value can reference a location, two primitive operations: Follow and Pointer
  • Follow: given a pointer, where is its R-value?
  • Pointer: given an L-value, give an R-value pointing to it
  • 3.7.7: other data structures, e.g. List, Ntuple, Set, Bag
  • Section 4: Miscellaneous topics
  • Load-Update Pairs: formal exposition of L-values
  • Macrogenerators: programs are just strings of symbols (nothing more), ways of manipulating the symbols (basically macros in Lisp, Rust, etc.)



Thanks to [@tomstuart], [@urbanautomaton] and FutureLearn for hosting the meeting and providing drinks and bread and thanks to all who brought dips and snacks.

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