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Igor Karpov edited this page Apr 26, 2015 · 1 revision


OpenNERO uses the CMake cross-platform build system. The general steps to building OpenNERO on any platform are:



Install the following packages:


use: sudo apt-get install <package1> <package2> ...

  • subversion (needed to get the source code)
  • cmake
  • g++
  • doxygen
  • libgl1-mesa-dev
  • libx11-dev
  • libxxf86vm-dev
  • zlib1g-dev
  • libbz2-dev
  • libpng++-dev
  • libjpeg-dev
  • libboost-dev
  • libboost-python-dev
  • libboost-filesystem-dev
  • libboost-serialization-dev
  • libboost-system-dev
  • libboost-date-time-dev
  • maven
  • openjdk-7-jdk


If you are using Fedora, trying finding the equivalent package names to the list above. Below is a partial list:

use: yum install <package1> <package2> ...

  • boost-devel
  • libX11-devel
  • libXxf86vm-devel
  • mesa-libGL-devel
  • zlib-devel
  • ...

Other packages

The following packages are not needed for building OpenNERO, but they are needed for running certain mods in OpenNERO. You would need to install them whether you are building OpenNERO or downloading a precompiled binary.

  • python-tk
  • python-wxgtk2.8
  • python-matplotlib
  • python-scipy
  • python-numpy
  • python-imaging-tk

Building OpenNERO

Once you have installed the prerequisites, you can continue to build OpenNERO using the following commands:

Commands for building OpenNERO

  1. mkdir opennero
  2. cd opennero
  3. svn checkout
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. cmake ../trunk
  7. make

Commands for running OpenNERO

  1. cd dist
  2. ./OpenNERO

Commands for updating build

  1. cd trunk
  2. svn update
  3. cd ..\build
  4. make


If you are having trouble building on Ubuntu 13.04, try running cmake with the following options:

$ cmake -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/ -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python2.7 ...

This will force cmake to use python2.7 libraries instead of python3, which is necessary because boost is compiled against python2.7.

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