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Scenario 3

Kadir Ersoy edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 28 revisions

Scenario 3

The User, Persona

  • Kaneki Ken is a 19 years old student at Kamii University. He is a self-learner and likes to improve himself in different aspects. He found this platform and started to use it. So far, he's been a person who neatly takes notes to papers during his studies; however, it is hard for him to keep track of all of them. So, he decided to also use this platform's note taking features.

User Goals

  • Aims to create and save notes under subtopics of the chosen learning space.
  • Aims to edit saved notes if the need occurs.
  • Aims to delete saved notes if the notes are no longer needed or they become irrelevant.


  • Kaneki Ken is already a learner in the platform and logged in.
  • Kaneki Ken has access to the learning space resources that they want to take notes of.

Scenario Actions

During going over the subtopics in learning space, Kaneki Ken feels the need to take notes to summarize that particular section so that they wouldn't have to repeat the content all over again:

  • Goes to the relevant course page from their my spaces page.
  • Chooses the topic that they want to add notes to.
  • Click Create Notes.
  • Add relevant notes to that body.
  • Click Save.

Then, if they want to see their notes about that learning space:

  • Goes to the relevant learning space page from their my spaces page.
  • Click Notes on the sidebar.
  • Filter the notes depending on the need.

Then, edit or delete those notes by respectively clicking:

  • Edit: Click Edit --> Edit note body --> Click Save.
  • Delete: Click Delete.

Acceptance Criteria

  • 1.3.4. Users shall be able to use note taking features.
    • Users shall be able to create notes.
    • Users shall be able to save notes in their profile page.
    • Users shall be able to view their saved notes on their profile page.
    • Users should be able to sort notes according to date.
    • Users should be able to filter notes by learning space name.
    • Users shall be able to delete or edit their notes.
    • Users shall be able to connect, annotate and tag notes.
    • Users shall be able to share their notes with other users.
  • 2.3.1 The system shall provide a notes section in profile.
  • 2.3.2 The system shall support viewing notes of public and followed users on their profiles. Similarly notes reached by shared links should be visible if only the sharing end is public or followed.
  • 2.3.3 The system shall provide registered learners the ability to connect, annotate and tag notes.


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