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Customer Milestone 1 Feedbacks

Kadir Ersoy edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Main headlines:

  • Organizing Information
    • There can be tons of content, notes and discussions headlines. We must handle the organization and ordering of these on the learning spaces. Especially on mobile, since we scroll down content, we must decide where it will stop scrolling or will it show each content existing. For both mobile and web, we may do ordering, filtering and searching among these content, discussion and notes.
  • Activity Stream
    • What has happened in my spaces while I was away from the app? We can show the user an activity stream to depict the ongoing events and popular contents and discussions etc.
    • Also notifications should be handled well, to show the user how people reacted to stuff related to him etc. to keep the user in contact with the platform.
  • Font and Text Colors
    • Some of the content and note headers were not readable due to colors. We might need to pick contrasting colors to avoid this.
  • Automated Interests
    • Instead of making users choose interest tags, we can compose the list of interests from the user's joined spaces, especially the spaces that they contributed to. Also, maybe giving user an option for setting a space as not interested while browsing may help to more accurate recommendations.
  • Contributions on Profile
    • We can showcase the user's contributions done on their profile. Number of contents uploaded, number of events organized, etc.
  • Labeled Feedbacks
    • We may have different feedback evaluations: instead of giving a single number for feedback like 5, users can elaborate by giving content quantity=3 but content quality=5 and community interaction=4, etc.


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