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z PCB (archived Winter 2013)

nxrlab edited this page Apr 5, 2013 · 1 revision

Project Specs

A battery charger capable of charging 15 single cell batteries. More info. to come later.

Sensors should detect

  • maximum angular velocity of 9.3 rad/s
  • 11 Amps max through the motor
  • 1/4 degree resolution of rotary sensors
  • speeds of 200 rpm coming out of/going into encoders/decoders
  • 4g max accelerations

For encoders we will be using the 1800 CPR E3 encoder from US Digital and the 4096 CPR MILE encoder for the EC60 flat from Maxon Motor.

The batteries are the A123 cell batteries.


Outline for the rest of the quarter:

2/22 - Order breakout board and parts

3/08 - Develop library functions, board and parts arrive

3/15 - Fully assemble board and test code

3/22 - Demonstrate working code and data from sensors