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Winter 2014 Schedule

nxrlab edited this page Feb 18, 2014 · 14 revisions


Task Deliverable Demo Demo Date
Combined carrier and shaft prototype A single part that fulfills the role of both carrier and shaft The piece fits properly within the ring gear and around the planetary gears. Simple to manufacture 2/21 Machine prototype out of plastic
Battery housing Battery housing for 5 batteries with wires that connect the batteries in series The batteries are wired in series supplying a voltage of 16.5 V with the wires neatly placed in the housing 2/28 dimensions and preliminary drawings for battery housing; 3/7 16.5 V test
Make a CAD model CAD drawings and assembly files Shrink current Gibbot to within 15% of all physical parameters found in Kinea's Gibbot. 4/4 place all finished CAD drawings in repository.
3-D print frame A 3-D printed frame of the Gibbot An assembled prototype of the frame 2/28 quote for printed part; 4/11 robot frame
Generate materials list materials and vendors documented on wiki None 4/4 materials on wiki
Generate a list of potential vendors to fabricate robot list of vendors, pricing, lead times, and files needed for fabrication None 4/11 submit vendors


Task Deliverable Demo Demo Date
Design double pendulum A double pendulum that can swing freely with LED markers for tracking, a motor, and a space for electronics double pendulum attached to wall 2/21 place order for all materials; 2/28 assembled robot
Implement electronics on robot put an H-bridge, current sensor, XBee, and PIC on the top pendulum's link show pendulum swinging under PIC control 2/28 show pendulum swinging
Implement PI current control PI controller with tunable gains that can be set over XBee plot current over time and show current converge to desired current value with gains tuned in real-time 3/14 demo current controller


Redesign PCB to work at 24 V | A PCB with no PIC resets when motor is operating at maximum power (limited by power supply) over an extended period of time | Motor is operated at full power for a 24-hour period with the PIC sending a “heart beat” to the PC at 50 Hz without any resets logged by the system | 2/21 (rush) order new board; 3/4 24-hour test| Automate PCB assembly | PCB "coordinates" file, cost of assembly, and instructions on wiki on how to create coordinates from Eagle | Anyone can their own "coordinates" file from reading the wiki alone | 3/15 wiki is ready|