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Query Performance Improvement Template Search
정회성 edited this page Oct 29, 2024
1 revision
Final Improvement: 26s -> 16s
When a search API request is made, the following four query methods are executed:
- Fetches "templates" along with the "categories," resulting in an N + 1 problem.
- Fetches tags for each template individually.
- Fetches "template tags" while querying "tags," resulting in an N + 1 problem.
- Fetches thumbnails for each template individually.
- Fetches "thumbnails" while querying "source codes," resulting in an N + 1 problem.
- Fetches the author member of the template.
- Contains unnecessary logic.
The total number of templates is N, the total number of categories is C, the average number of tags per template is T, and the average number of source codes per template is SC. The following number of queries will be executed:
-> O(N * (C + T + SC))
- Each of the M "templates" fetches the "category" once.
-> TemplateTag(1) + Tag(N)
- Each of the M "templates" fetches "template tags" once.
- For the N "template tags" fetched, queries the "tags."
SELECT tt, t
FROM TemplateTag tt
JOIN FETCH tt.tag t
WHERE tt.id.templateId = :templateId
List<TemplateTag> findAllByTemplate(Template template);
SELECT t, sc
FROM Thumbnail t
JOIN FETCH t.sourceCode sc
WHERE t.template = :template
- Fetch the Template's TemplateTags into a List.
- Fetch the Template's Thumbnails into a List.
ALTER TABLE template ADD FULLTEXT INDEX idx_template_fulltext (title, description);
ALTER TABLE source_code ADD FULLTEXT INDEX idx_source_code_fulltext (content, filename);
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