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Qunliang Xing edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 4 revisions

0. Notation

  • src: source, e.g., raw images.
  • dst: distorted, e.g., compressed images.
  • tar: target, e.g., enhanced compressed images.

1. Data-set

Support all PNG image data-sets, e.g., DIV2K and Flickr2K.

You may down-sample the images if the GPU memory is limited.


Please pay attention to all # FIXME items.

2.1. Data-set

Test all images at source directory

Set max_num=-1 and start=0.

2.2. Algorithm

multi-stage training

Each stage is independent of other stages. Thus, the loss functions, optimizers and schedulers should be assigned for each stage, respectively.

Note that the network is the same for all stages.

    name: [stage1, stage2]
    niter: [!!float 4e+5, !!float 4e+5]



You can assign different optimizers for different loss functions.

For example, at the second stage of training GANs, the generator and the discriminator possess their own optimizers. We say we have two groups of losses named dis and gen.

    stage1:  # only calculate group1 is ok



Note that in default, all optimizers possess all parameters. If you want each optimizer to possess different parameters, edit your own algorithm, especially create_optimizer function. Check ESRGAN algorithm in this repo for an example.


nworker_pg is recommended to be equal to bs_pg.

multi-BP then step once

In general, real_bs_pg should be equal to bs_pg.

If you want to use one GPU to act as N GPUs, just edit the real_bs_pg to be N * bs_pg.

resume training

You can stop training at any time.

When you re-start the training and the load_state/if_load is set to be True, the training programme will automatically find and re-load the load_state/opts/ckp_load_path, e.g., exp/<exp_name>/ in default.

test without evaluation

If you want to obtain enhanced images without evaluation, you can simply set crit in YML as ~ (None).

4. Details of Algorithms

4.1. DnCNN

DnCNN is a modified version, which turns off the batch normalization (BN). Check here for details.

4.2. CBDNet

CBDNet is a modified version, which is trained in an end-to-end manner without total variation (TV) loss on the noise estimation map. Check here for details.

4.3. RBQE

Exit mode

In network forward function, idx_out indicates the index of exit.

  • -1: output all images from all exits. Used for training.
  • -2: judge by IQA Module.
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4: assign exit.

For validation in training, we assign exit according to the QP/QF.


In the official repo, the MATLAB-based IQAM is fed with Y channel input. Here for simplicity, we re-implement IQAM with Python and feed it with R channel input. Hyper-parameters such as exit thresholds have been tuned over the current test set. Since the re-implemented Python-based IQAM is much, much slower than the official MATLAB-based one, we record the FPS without IQAM in this repo.