Releases: presscustomizr/hueman
Releases · presscustomizr/hueman
= 3.3.10 April 28th 2017 =
- fixed : blog description rendering and blogdescription partial refresh fixes #450
- fixed : hu_get_search_title printing icons fixes #456
- fixed : fix IE11 js compatibility fixes #435
- fixed : Sticky sidebar, disabling on mobile should be consistent with wp_is_mobile()
- fixed : header title or logo is not anymore wrapped in a h1 tag
- added : desktop menus search field options. Users can now add the search field in top menu or in the header menu. Implemented for desktop and mobile devices.
- added : hu_get_id() utility
- added : HU_IS_PRO_ADDONS constant
- added : implemented pro link
- added : implemented a better sticky menu options. Users can now choose between : don't show on scroll, always visible, reveal on scroll up. Implemented for desktop and mobile devices.
- improved : front end javascript framework performances
- improved : sidebars are not sticky by default
- improved : style.css comments
= 3.3.9 April 6th 2017 =
- fixed : update flexslider to the latest version #427
- fixed : topbar width when global layout is boxed
- fixed : the topbar menu should be the page menu if not set in preview demo mode
- added : a new section header menus in the customizer
- added : 2 new options to enable sticky menu on desktop and on mobile
- added : 2 utility boolean functions hu_is_topbar_displayed() and hu_is_header_nav_displayed()
- added : 2 new options to control the visibility of the header widget zone
- added : a search bar in the mobile menu
- Imp: avoid woocommerce3.0 warnings on use of deprecated functions
= 3.3.8 April 5th 2017 =
- fixed : home layout not applied if static home page choosen
- fixed : prevdem mode should be turned off when user starts customizing
- fixed : user defined WP core settings like show_on_front should be preserved if customizing in prevdem mode
- fixed : don't wrap logo in h1 tag
- added match Media polyfill
- updated the parallax jquery plugin => added a matchMedia option set to 'only screen and (max-width: 768px)' by default
- added tmpl parts/header-nav-main.php
- added new hamburger menu markup, css + js
- improved : mobile menu slide up down using jQuery built-in methods
- improved : display a default page menu for topbar in prevdem mode
- improved : use the real template path in function hu_get_content()
- improved : only dispay the social link notice if user is_super_admin()
- added : utility hu_print_mobile_btn() used to render the mobile buttons in the header
- added : animated mobile menu button
- added : mobile menu style customizer option
- removed : dynamic style option. Dynamic style is now applied for each option as soon as the user change the option to a value different than default.
improved : only dispay the social link notice if user is_super_admin() fixed : display logo only if the img src exists v3.3.8 alpha build
= 3.3.5 February 25th 2017 =
- Fixed : array to string error with hu_is_checked()
- Fixed : selective refresh disabled when link widget enabled. cf WP core ticket #39451
- Fixed : correctly handle sizes attribute when smartloading resp imgs ( fixes #316 )
- Improved : img to smartload must have an src which matches an allowed ext. Fixes issues with Ultimate Membership Pro
- Improved : add hueman specific widgets panel icon as inline customizer js
- Improved : front end jQuery plugins, rightly handle sizes/data-sizes attribute replacement in php
- Improved: customizer social links module user interface
- Improved : introduced hu_get_content( $tmpl ) which takes care of all content rendering inside section > .pad accross the theme
- Improved : post messaging for the social links customization
- Improved : customizer font option set to postMessage
- Improved : body font size set to 1rem == 16px in all browsers
- Improved : font sizes set in relative em instead of px unit
- Improved : the font list is now defined in one place in init-core.php
- Added : utility hu_is_real_home() => handles the case when the user want to display a page on home but did not pick a page yet
- Added : Gitlab icon to social links
- Added : wp_add_inline_style() on front allowing to add user option based css
- Added : a new template for the WordPress loop named post-list-articles.php for index.php, search.php and archive.php
- Added : 6 content templates in tmpl/ use to render the various contextual content : single, page, archive, search, 404, index
- Added : website font-size option in the customizer
- Added : icon size option for the social links
- Added : better support for WooCommerce
- Added : user font family to the wordpress editor
- Removed ru_RU translation files because it is not completed online