Releases: presscustomizr/hueman
Releases · presscustomizr/hueman
= 3.3.21 October 3rd 2017 =
- fix : bottom portion of sidebar gets cut off in tablet view when content is short. Fixes #476.
- fix : archive and page titles font-size. Fixes #535.
- fix : potential loss of customizations when wp_cache_get() returns false. Fixes #571.
- fix : social links not refreshing in the footer on initial customization ( when nothing printed yet )
- fix : headings hidden on mobile when no header image displayed. Fixes #527.
- added : new option js-mobile-detect for optional javascript Mobile device detection. Loads the mobile-detect script ( 35 kb ) when checked
- added : mobile-detect.js library conditionally enqueued
- improved : replaced the ajax call by a javascript library to check if the device is mobile. Fixes #567.
- improved : admin page wording and style
- improved : Footer credits made smaller. Now use the WordPress icon. Default link to the Hueman theme page instead of
- updated : customize control js
= 3.3.21 October 3rd 2017 =
- fix : bottom portion of Sidebar gets cut off in tablet view when content is short. fix #476
- fix : archive and page titles font-size. fixes #535
- fix : potential loss of customizations when wp_cache_get() returns false. fixes #571
- added : new option js-mobile-detect for optional javascript Mobile device detection. Loads the mobile-detect script ( 35 kb ) when checked
- added : mobile-detect.js library conditionally enqueued
- improved : replaced the ajax call by a javascript library to check if the device is mobile. Fixes #567.
- improved admin page wording and style
- updated customize control js
= 3.3.14 June 29th 2017 =
- fixed : Restrict the front ajax query when user has checked the sticky sidebars for either mobile devices or desktops, or both. Fixes #523.
- fixed : related posts should not inherit the main post-title fittext font-size
- added : new option in Adanced options > Mobile Devices > Make font sizes flexible , responsive font-size is unchecked by default. Fixes #522
= 3.3.13 June 26th 2017 =
- fixed : when doing an ajax request on front, always make sure that the response is a well formed object, and fallback on the localized param if not
- updated : flexslider.min.js. Fixes : #511
- fixed : removed check_ajax_referer( 'hu-front-nonce', 'HuFrontNonce' ); when doing a front end ajax request. Should fix #512
- fixed : boxed - avoid header elements to horizontally overflow the viewport.fixes #508 3. and 4.fixes
- fixed : when the layout is boxed + sticky header on on dekstop, the width of the header should be inherited from the used width (or default one ), and not rely on %.
- fixed : comment reply font size too small when viewed in mobile. fixes #504
- fixed : wp contact form 7 style. fixes #491
- fixed : on the blog page, the ( optional ) featured posts thumbnail size was not large enough when using a 1 or 2 columns layout. 'thumb-large' size is now only used for 3 columns layout. Fixes #350
- fixed: fix use of the add_editor_style wp function : needs relative paths + add rtl class to the inline font style in the wp editor see presscustomizr/customizr#926
- added : a custom event "header-image-loaded" : partially fixes #508
- replaced : hu_sanitize_hex_color() by core WP maybe_hash_hex_color doing the same job since WP 3.4
- improved : change page title tag from h2 to h1 to be consistent with single posts
- improved : increased .page-title font-size from 1em to 1.3em
- improved : .single .post-title from 2.375em to 2.62em => to make them taller than h2 title inside the content. Fix #515
- improved : 'header-mobile-sticky' classes shall not be added to the body element when 2 menus ( 'both_menus') are displayed on mobiles
- added : new localized params for a fittext implementation on front
- improved : slightly increased the max font-size of comments from 0.875rem to 0.93rem
- added : the headings ( Hx ) font size is now better resized for all type of devices with a dynamic resizing. Use fittext.js => based on the heading's parent container width, instead of relying on the css @media queries, not covering all device dimensions.
- added : include Custom Post Types in post lists ( archives and search results ). In archives, it handles the case where a CPT has been registered and associated with an existing built-in taxonomy like category or post_tag. Fixes #513
- added : new filters for hueman posts widget to alter the query args and the date format. Fixes #343
- added : '__before_logo_or_site_title' and '__after_logo_or_site_title' in hu_print_logo_or_title()
= 3.3.12 June 6th 2017 =
- fixed : when topbar is sticky and header has an header image, wait for the image to be fully loaded before setting the header's height. Fix #486
- fixed Issue in hu_get_raw_option, php warning. wp_cache_get( 'alloptions', 'options' ) should always be cast to an array(). It might happen that it returns a boolean. fixes #492
- fixed : fix inaccurate smartload img regex pattern => file extensions were not correctly taken in account
- changed : hu_get_placeholder_thumb() to hu_print_placeholder_thumb(). Retrocompatibility handled.
- added : js matchMedia utility. fallsback on old browsers compatibility
- improved : in hu_set_option remove redundant retrieving of theme options
= 3.3.11 May 16th 2017 =
- fixed : Compatibility issue with the Event Calendar plugin on date picker ( fixes #454 )
- fixed : wrong variable name in HU_utils::hu_cache_dp_options()
- fixed : search field background color in main header not inheriting the correct color
- fixed : dekstop tobpar down arrow not showing up because fired too early
- fixed : sticky sidebars not properly disabled on tablets when option set
- fixed : php notice for undefined HUEMAN_VERSION constant in admin
- fixed : replaced OT_VERSION by time() for ot-admin-css as version param
- added a new option : in Header Design, "Apply a semi-transparent filter to the topbar on scroll." Enabled by default. ( fixes #469 )
- updated : Hueman Addons thumbnail
- updated : hu_related_posts by hu_get_related_posts. Retro compatibiliy handled in functions/init-retro-compat.php
- improved : esc_url to better support https protocol
- improved : remove ot datepicker and timepicker - hueman doesn't use them fixes #454
- improved : customizer control visibility dependencies
- improved : get wp_is_mobile() on front with an ajax request. Fixed #470
- improved : utility hu_booleanize_checkbox_val()
- improved : Mobile menu, if the selected menu location has no menu assigned, the theme will try to assign another menu in this order : topbar, mobile, header.
- improved : mobile children menu items style
- improved : mobile menu search field centering and width. Use of css calc()
- improved : the header ads widget can now be displayed on top of the header image
- improved : tmpl parts/related-posts now loaded with hu_get_template_part() to easily override it
- added : mobile menu, specific for mobile devices
- added : mobile menu notice for admin user if not mobile menu assigned
- added : new option to set a specific logo for mobile devices
- added : new option to print the logo / title and tagline on top of the header image
- added : new option Display the site title in the header. Enabled by default
- added : include attachments in search results
- added : fitText jQuery plugin ( < 1kb )
- added : js ajax utility
- added : utility hu_user_can_see_customize_notices_on_front()
- added : filter 'hu_is_related_posts_enabled' as condition to display the related_posts tmpl
- added : new option to include attachment images in search results. In the customizer, Advanced Options > Search Results
- added : a dismissable welcome note on front for new users