Releases: presscustomizr/hueman
Releases · presscustomizr/hueman
= 3.2.9 October 11th 2016 =
- fixed : WP embed not displayed correctly #298
- fixed : the saved item of mono item module has to be cast to array #323
- fixed :
blocks not formatted in comments fix #322
- fixed : WP embed not displayed correctly #298
- added : better demo placeholder thumbnail
- improved : replaced hu_is_child() by WP core function
- improved : placeholder thumb style
- improved : customizer js code updates
- removed : custom.css File From Theme. A better option is for the user to install a child theme or use a plugin. #319
= 3.2.5 September 26th 2016 =
- fixed : don't use iCheck() js library for nav_menu* controls
- Imp: add requestAnimationFrame js polyfill. This improves the scroll event performance for all browsers.
- fixed : blinking images when the smart load is enabled
- fixed : 'blog-standard' boolean option was not handled with hu_is_checked() in the index template
- improved : hu_get_customizer_map(). Now can return a partial map. For example only the settings.
- added : support for WP custom logo. Backward compatibility : uses the existing logo image if already set. Still support the logo features for WP versions < 4.5
- added : a grid-item class to the post list article
- added : a grid-wrapper id to the post-list wrapper div element
- added : customizer : active_callback param for some sections and controls => better contextualisation of the customization
- added : customizer : Front Page Content section in the Content panel. Includes the reading WP default settings : static front page, blog page, ...
- added : option, the front page can be empty
- added : hu_is_home_empty() utility
- added : hu_is_post_list() utility. Typically used to contextualize the customization.
- added : in customizer > Content > Front Page, a link to blog design when relevant in the front page content section
- added : a consoleLog utility for the front js code
- added : svg animation plugins, dependencies : _, Vivus and HUParams
- added : 3 options in customizer to control default widgets. Enabled by default.
- added : default widgets are printed in the primary and secondary sidebars if no widgets have been added and if the options to display default widgets are enabled.
- added : default page menu in the header and footer if no menu assigned to those locations
- added : options in customizer to deactivate the default page menus
= 3.2.2 September 11th 2016 =
- fixed : dismiss link not showing up in the Hueman Addons plugin recommendation admin notice
- added : title utility functions like hu_get_search_title()
- added : new template parts/single-heading.php, called in the template single.php
- improved : hu_get_template_part : added a boolean wp filter using the template name as param
- improved : In templates : 404, archive, page, search, child menu, index. Replace get_template_part() by hu_get_template_part()
- improved : template parts/page-title.php
= 3.2.1 September 9th 2016 =
- fixed : social networks javascript error in the customizer when upgrading from old versions (below 3+) to v3.2.0 (issue #296 )
- fixed : add back the comment section in the customizer, accidentally removed in the latest version (issue #292 )
- fixed : include dev-font-awesome.css in the build (fix issue #295 )
- added : TGMPA plugin recommendation class for Hueman Addons
- added : waypoint js lib (+9ko in script)
- imp : improve the events calendar compat with the img smartload feature
- imp : wrapper the_post_thumbnail into hu_the_post_thumbnail => fixes smart load img conflicts with plugins, we now only filter our own filter and not WP one.
- imp : header.php is now calling a sub-template, parts/header-main.php
- imp : top nav is rendered with a sub-template, parts/header-nav-topbar.php
= 3.2.0 September 2nd 2016 =
- added : new option to enable a smoother scrolling. In Global Settings > Smooth Scroll
- added : new option to automatically add an icon next to external links inside the post content. In Global Settings > General Design Options
- added : new option to improve the page load performances : smart image load. In Global Settings > Performances and SEO
- improved : (php) better format for the 'title' tag with wp_title filter
- added : (php) plugin compatibility for image smartload for buddypress, jetpack and ultimate resp. image slider
- improved : (js) better front end framework
- fixed : Enqueue Font Awesome instead of using hard coded @font-face rule in the stylesheet (issue #273)
- updated : Font Awesome icons to version 4.6.3. SnapChat added to the socials.
100% compatible with WordPress v4.6
- fixed : rss-feed option breaking plugins compatibility.
( fixes github issue #256 )