released this
14 Jul 10:31
added support for iterable types (issue #70 )
added new inspections for iterable types (issue #78 )
added support for array access (eg. $arr[][]) to parser (issue #82 )
added support for define variables in tag {define} (issue #84 )
added live template {va
fixed detecting variable type from code
fixed bug in autocomplete inside var macro
added support for load configuration from XML files (issue #81 )
added support for multi line macro settings
added support for reformat code for spaces around assignment and equality operators
added support for reformat code for spaces after tag name and before closing tag
added support for reformat code for spaces before tag filters
added support for change syntax highlight for operators
added Latte context for live templates
added live templates {fore, {forek, {fori and {ife
added new tags {do}, {sandbox}, {widget} and {varPrint}
added new filter |batch:(array, length [, item])
added tag {inputError} - (reload for Nette tag settings needed)
switched to not deprecated api around Latte code formatter
upgraded more deprecated usages
improved LattePhpType to use less memory and work faster (about -75% processing time)
implemented Gradle (for better plugin development)
tag {? ...} was tagged as deprecated since Nette 2.4
increased minimum compatibility to PhpStorm 193.5233.102
added support for use HTML elements in PSI tree (internal feature for future improvements)
fixed issue #66 - methods, constants and properties are now recognized for static classes
fixed issue #64 - ifcontent is now macro without parameters
fixed issue #61 - improved working with methods (now it is prepared for future enhacements)
fixed issue #69 - determine type for a variable, if call some on this now working
fixed issue #62 - now is space after function name allowed and it is determined as function
fixed issue #80 - better parsing for namespaces and classes and fixed refactoring for classes
fixed issue #72 - added support for double colons in filters
fixed issue #77 - added inspection for deprecated and internal usages
fixed issue #55 - fixed macro {label foo} as unpaired (also fixed other AUTO_EMPTY tags)
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