Releases: nette-intellij/intellij-latte
Releases · nette-intellij/intellij-latte
- upgraded LatteReparseUtil for reloading config from XML without user interaction (issue #161, #167)
- added showing completion auto popup after type ->, ::, , $, | (issue #76)
- added support for caching identifiers in PsiElements (performance improvement)
- added support for Latte tag {parameters}
- moved Latte filters and their arguments to one PSI element (issue #108)
- added LattePhpTypeDetector (faster PhpTypes detector)
- added stub index for PhpType (issue #180)
- fixed detect for variable if reference is in foreach value
- fixed ? in type definitions like ?int, ?string, ...
- fixed and removed more deprecated usages (prepare for higher versions)
- fixed problem with resolving methods witch use array access for variables defined by templateType tag (issue #179)
- added missing tags and filters for latest Latte version
- better completion for tags with optional closing tag (issue #110)
- fixed for 2021.1 (issue #163, #164)
- fixed methods with variable in name (issue #153, #166)
- fixed and improved variables inspections, implemented variable context (issue #104)
- fixed detection for variable types in varType tag (issue #107)
- fixed problem with multiple variable definitions (issue #124)
- added more tests for psi helpers and variable inspections
- minor changes for PhpStorm 2020.3
- increased minimum compatibility to 2020.2.4
- added new tags {try} {rollback} {ifchanged} {skipIf}
- added new filters |clamp |sort and custom function clamp()
- added support for references to core functions with , e.g. \current()
- added support for floats, hex, oct, bin and numbers with exponent (issue #123)
- added support for UNPAIRED_ATTR tags (issue #120)
- fixed undefined variable problem in n:for loop (issue #98)
- fixed marked parameters as link (issue #102)
- fixed bug with nested blocks used as n: attributes (issue #109)
- fixed bug in code formatting for AUTO_EMPTY tags (issue #114, #125, #116)
- fixed performance bugs (issue #105, #117)
- fixed bug with double-click behavior in double quoted strings (issue #111)
- added stub indexes - it improve performance if references are resolved (issue #100)
- added better support for XML configuration files (references to .latte templates etc.)
- added .dtd file for validate XML configurations in IDE
- fixed bug in auto completion for methods (now it is not detected as PHP function)
- added support for iterable types (issue #70)
- added new inspections for iterable types (issue #78)
- added support for array access (eg. $arr[][]) to parser (issue #82)
- added support for define variables in tag {define} (issue #84)
- added live template {va
- fixed detecting variable type from code
- fixed bug in autocomplete inside var macro
- added support for load configuration from XML files (issue #81)
- added support for multi line macro settings
- added support for reformat code for spaces around assignment and equality operators
- added support for reformat code for spaces after tag name and before closing tag
- added support for reformat code for spaces before tag filters
- added support for change syntax highlight for operators
- added Latte context for live templates
- added live templates {fore, {forek, {fori and {ife
- added new tags {do}, {sandbox}, {widget} and {varPrint}
- added new filter |batch:(array, length [, item])
- added tag {inputError} - (reload for Nette tag settings needed)
- switched to not deprecated api around Latte code formatter
- upgraded more deprecated usages
- improved LattePhpType to use less memory and work faster (about -75% processing time)
- implemented Gradle (for better plugin development)
- tag {? ...} was tagged as deprecated since Nette 2.4
- increased minimum compatibility to PhpStorm 193.5233.102
- added support for use HTML elements in PSI tree (internal feature for future improvements)
- fixed issue #66 - methods, constants and properties are now recognized for static classes
- fixed issue #64 - ifcontent is now macro without parameters
- fixed issue #61 - improved working with methods (now it is prepared for future enhacements)
- fixed issue #69 - determine type for a variable, if call some on this now working
- fixed issue #62 - now is space after function name allowed and it is determined as function
- fixed issue #80 - better parsing for namespaces and classes and fixed refactoring for classes
- fixed issue #72 - added support for double colons in filters
- fixed issue #77 - added inspection for deprecated and internal usages
- fixed issue #55 - fixed macro {label foo} as unpaired (also fixed other AUTO_EMPTY tags)
- added code style settings (settings for use tabs or spaces) (issue #46, #30)
- added support for define variable in tag {default $foo = 123}
- added class namespaces completion
- added support for define variables by {php [$foo, $bar] = $arr}
- implemented some performance improvements
- fixed resolving methods if a type is more classes FooClass|BarClass
- fixed completion for unpaired macro after if missing end }
- fixed filters on variables (issue #47)
- fixed wrong indent for elseifset (issue #42)
- fixed multiple variable definitions in for/foreach cycles
- fixed auto-complete (disabled in strings, more improvements)
- increased minimum compatibility to 2018.3
v1.0.0 - PHP content support
- Added PHP content support