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Releases: lacework/go-sdk


26 May 16:51
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.13.


  • feat(cli): avoid displaying API key secret (#115) (Salim Afiune Maya)(3305b09)
  • feat(release): add version bump after release (Salim Afiune Maya)(4c67b3f)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(release): purge the docker manifest to udate (Salim Afiune Maya)(ed58109)

Docker Images

  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


22 May 22:42
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.12.


  • feat(cli): manage compliance reports (GCP Azure AWS) (Salim Afiune Maya)(1d0155f)
  • feat(api): add compliance service (Salim Afiune Maya)(862812c)
  • feat(cli): list integrations of a specific type (Salim Afiune Maya)(e1d3674)

Documentation Updates

  • docs(cli): remove the need to install using sudo (Salim Afiune Maya)(4534c57)

Other Changes

  • ci: fix typo in script (Salim Afiune Maya)(cf6a836)
  • ci: add docker images to release notes (Salim Afiune Maya)(4f8f945)
  • test(integration): add compliance tests (Salim Afiune Maya)(d41fb49)

Docker Images

  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


14 May 23:24
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.11.


  • feat: incident analysis, visualize event details (Salim Afiune Maya)(532f11d)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(api): use correct types on events response (Salim Afiune Maya)(86d8b7b)

Other Changes

  • style(cli): show help without errors (Salim Afiune Maya)(a72ba55)
  • ci: add badge to README and encrypted keys (Salim Afiune Maya)(c03a416)
  • test(integration): adds end-to-end tests (Salim Afiune Maya)(e2eb449)
  • test(integration): new framework to write CLI tests (Salim Afiune Maya)(402b2a2)


07 May 22:26
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.10.


  • feat(cli): add aliases to integration and event cmds (Salim Afiune Maya)(9e8cd5c)
  • feat(cli): preconfigure using key JSON file (WebUI) (Salim Afiune Maya)(80c48e7)
  • feat(cli): new integration show cmd (#91) (Salim Afiune Maya)(5bedf53)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(docker): fix build/release of CLI containers (Salim Afiune Maya)(2146ecb)
  • fix(api): parsing event details 'cpu_percentage' (Salim Afiune Maya)(5f978ea)

Other Changes

  • chore: consistency with ID fields in Go structs (Salim Afiune Maya)(79b874e)


01 May 18:52
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.9.

🐳 Ship it Small & Fast!

From this release on, we are shipping the Lacework CLI in a 7MB Docker container!

Snip it:

$ docker run techallylw/lacework-cli

The Lacework Command Line Interface is a tool that helps you manage the
Lacework cloud security platform. Use it to manage compliance reports,
external integrations, vulnerability scans, and other operations.

Start by configuring the Lacework CLI with the command:

    $ lacework configure

This will prompt you for your Lacework account and a set of API access keys.

  lacework [command]

Available Commands:
  api           helper to call Lacework's RestfulAPI
  configure     configure the Lacework CLI
  event         inspect Lacework events
  integration   manage external integrations
  version       print the Lacework CLI version
  vulnerability view vulnerability reports and run on-demand scans

  -a, --account string      account subdomain of URL (i.e. <ACCOUNT>
  -k, --api_key string      access key id
  -s, --api_secret string   secret access key
      --debug               turn on debug logging
      --json                switch commands output from human-readable to json format
      --nocolor             turn off colors
      --noninteractive      disable interactive progress bars (i.e. 'spinners')
  -p, --profile string      switch between profiles configured at ~/.lacework.toml

Use "lacework [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • feat: Add lacework-cli containers (Salim Afiune Maya)(73cdda0)
  • feat(cli): create Azure integrations (Salim Afiune Maya)(29105e7)
  • feat(cli): create GCP integrations (Salim Afiune Maya)(b2154a1)
  • feat(cli): create AWS CloudTrail integrations (Salim Afiune Maya)(7e80795)
  • feat(cli): create integration sub-command (Salim Afiune Maya)(9842a0d)
  • feat(api): create container registry integrations (Salim Afiune Maya)(e33613d)
  • feat(cli): delete external integrations (Salim Afiune Maya)(fe802b4)


  • refactor(cli): new configure command using survey (Salim Afiune Maya)(d311ed4)

Other Changes

  • style: avoid mixing duties between api and cli (Salim Afiune Maya)(b245d9f)
  • style(cli): use appropriate icons per platform (Salim Afiune Maya)(c3e051e)
  • chore(cli): update int create usage message (Salim Afiune Maya)(0959618)
  • chore(deps): remove promptui in favor of survey (Salim Afiune Maya)(0c663aa)


28 Apr 23:48
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.8.

Keep Users Up-To-Date

We have introduced the new Lacework Updater mechanism into the Lacework
CLI, we are aiming to keep our users up-to-date with our release cadence, this new
feature will check for any available update and will suggest executing the update

This feature is only enabled inside the lacework version command:

$ lacework version
lacework v0.1.7 (sha:861ce9e227a3f1cd95c78011d95f0f54e6b72ec2) (time:20200427020330)

A newer version of the Lacework CLI is available! The latest version is v0.1.8,
to update execute the following command:

  $ curl | sudo bash

📦 Happy Updates!


  • feat(cli/vul): show layer content instead of hash (Salim Afiune Maya)(a15e767)
  • feat(cli): add --details flag to vulnerability cmd (Salim Afiune Maya)(227a7b2)
  • feat(cli): check for available updates 👓 ✨ (Salim Afiune Maya)(9318952)
  • feat: new go library lwupdater 🆕 ⭐ (Salim Afiune Maya)(0f7637e)


  • refactor(cli): consistency between image ID & Digest (Salim Afiune Maya)(4f59376)
  • refactor(api): request and response log messages (Salim Afiune Maya)(e4a3b3c)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(cli): sort vulnerabilities by severity (Salim Afiune Maya)(1e0de4c)

Documentation Updates

  • docs(cli): func comments and cmd style updates (Salim Afiune Maya)(b50f987)
  • docs(lwlogger): add basic usage example (Salim Afiune Maya)(c994534)

Other Changes

  • style(cli): align vulnerability summary report (Salim Afiune Maya)(0b37cf6)
  • style(cli): remove dup vul report summary footer (Salim Afiune Maya)(6e36455)
  • style: avoid mixing duties between api/ and cli/ (Salim Afiune Maya)(fb7b7c2)


23 Apr 23:09
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.7.

Bug Fixes

  • fix(cli): access integration state securely (Salim Afiune Maya)(543562b)


23 Apr 22:01
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.6.

New lacework event command

This new command includes two sub-commands, list and show, check them out!

$ lacework event list
  EVENT ID |                TYPE                | SEVERITY |      START TIME      |       END TIME
        10 | NewViolations                      | High     | 2020-04-20T13:00:00Z | 2020-04-20T14:00:00Z
         4 | VPCNetworkFirewallRuleChanged      | Medium   | 2020-04-16T20:00:00Z | 2020-04-16T21:00:00Z
         8 | VPCNetworkRouteChanged             | Medium   | 2020-04-19T23:00:00Z | 2020-04-20T00:00:00Z
         1 | ProjectOwnershipAssignmentsChanged | Medium   | 2020-04-16T17:00:00Z | 2020-04-16T18:00:00Z
         6 | NewViolations                      | Medium   | 2020-04-18T13:00:00Z | 2020-04-18T14:00:00Z
         3 | VPCNetworkChanged                  | Medium   | 2020-04-16T20:00:00Z | 2020-04-16T21:00:00Z
         2 | CloudStorageIAMPermissionChanged   | Medium   | 2020-04-16T18:00:00Z | 2020-04-16T19:00:00Z
         5 | CloudStorageIAMPermissionChanged   | Low      | 2020-04-17T19:00:00Z | 2020-04-17T20:00:00Z
         9 | VPCNetworkRouteChanged             | Low      | 2020-04-20T04:00:00Z | 2020-04-20T05:00:00Z
         7 | VPCNetworkFirewallRuleChanged      | Low      | 2020-04-19T23:00:00Z | 2020-04-20T00:00:00Z


  • feat(api): add EventsService to inspect events (Salim Afiune Maya)(533a271)
  • feat(api): add Details func to EventsService (Salim Afiune Maya)(56b95ca)
  • feat(cli): new event list command (Salim Afiune Maya)(d7c9f9e)
  • feat(cli): new event show command (Salim Afiune Maya)(8f75c78)
  • feat(cli): --noninteractive mode flag (Salim Afiune Maya)(10536af)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(api): omitempty integration responses fields (Salim Afiune Maya)(44e2314)

Documentation Updates

  • docs(cli): document environment variables (Salim Afiune Maya)(0012ec1)

Other Changes

  • chore(cli): update usage of commands (Salim Afiune Maya)(5dd3057)
  • chore(cli): style updates to release scripts (Salim Afiune Maya)(f4355bf)


21 Apr 23:54
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.5.


  • feat(cli): implement JSON format for all commands (Salim Afiune Maya)(c7d4fee)
  • feat(cli): vul scan run command can poll for status (Salim Afiune Maya)(e2c8c8d)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(install.ps1) copy lacework.exe to ProgramData (Salim Afiune Maya)(53e685f)


21 Apr 00:42
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.4.

Install Lacework CLI on Windows

C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
C:\> iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))


  • feat(install.ps1): support to install cli on windows (Salim Afiune Maya)(ae53d6f)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(cli): use correct variable inside (Salim Afiune Maya)(eda17d5)
  • fix(cli): support colors for windows (Salim Afiune Maya)(ea48379)

Documentation Updates

  • doc(api): adds _examples or token-generation (Salim Afiune Maya)(c9dbc02)
  • docs(cli): update to use CLI (Salim Afiune Maya)(d0fda04)
  • docs: added lacework-cli profiles (Salim Afiune Maya)(d2292b0)

Other Changes

  • chore(typo): misspelled word inside install.ps1 (Salim Afiune Maya)(ec93a96)
  • chore(timeout): increase api timeout to 60s (Salim Afiune Maya)(1f17bad)