Release Notes
Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.4
Install Lacework CLI on Windows
C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
C:\> iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lacework/go-sdk/master/cli/install.ps1'))
- feat(install.ps1): support to install cli on windows (Salim Afiune Maya)(ae53d6f)
Bug Fixes
- fix(cli): use correct variable inside install.sh (Salim Afiune Maya)(eda17d5)
- fix(cli): support colors for windows (Salim Afiune Maya)(ea48379)
Documentation Updates
- doc(api): adds
or token-generation (Salim Afiune Maya)(c9dbc02) - docs(cli): update install.sh to use CLI (Salim Afiune Maya)(d0fda04)
- docs: added lacework-cli profiles (Salim Afiune Maya)(d2292b0)