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Releases: lacework/go-sdk


13 Nov 16:33
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.8.

Bug Fixes

  • fix(cli): generate html for scan commands (Salim Afiune Maya)(6846ffd)

Other Changes

  • ci: improve release notes and changelog generation (Salim Afiune Maya)(af22a7a)
  • ci: avoid to update version multiple times (Salim Afiune Maya)(d72149b)
  • test(cli): HTML for container vulnerability (Salim Afiune Maya)(fee8505)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


12 Nov 22:51
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.7.

Container Vulnerability Assessments in HTML format

You have now the ability to output container vulnerability assessments in HTML format, this will help teams have clear, actionable insights to understand vulnerabilities so they can remediate.

Use the new flag --html in the following commands:

  • lacework vulnerability container scan
  • lacework vulnerability container scan-status
  • lacework vulnerability container show-assessment

The flag will generate a vulnerability assessment in HTML format in addition to the regular human-readable output.

$ lacework vuln ctr show sha256:4861f2bca4e9087558cf9594249da90f42fb781f9b8a857db21e25abc2c57486 --html
                                  CONTAINER IMAGE DETAILS                                 |        VULNERABILITIES
    ID          sha256:948cb0da5637b7d7662168a030930e9ab115c302b7d6833c21cb20dac9deb2e4   |   SEVERITY   COUNT   FIXABLE
    Digest      sha256:4861f2bca4e9087558cf9594249da90f42fb781f9b8a857db21e25abc2c57486   | -----------+-------+----------
    Registry                                                           |   Critical      33        28
    Repository  dhubtesting/test                                                          |   High         220       192
    Size        163.2 MB                                                                  |   Medium       432       310
    Created At  2020-10-06T07:58:58+0000                                                  |   Low          246       124
    Tags        sentry_8.6-onbuild_06102020075836                                         |   Info         219        38
The container vulnerability assessment was stored at 'dhubtesting-test-sha256:4861f2bca4e9087558cf9594249da90f42fb781f9b8a857db21e25abc2c57486.html'

The HTML is a standalone file that can be shared without additional artifacts!

Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 10 31 15 PM


  • feat(cli): enable html copy to clipboard icons (Salim Afiune Maya)(ec2d1fa)
  • feat(cli): HTML format for vulnerability assessments (Salim Afiune Maya)(00c2f43)
  • feat(cli): add ARM support (#236) (Salim Afiune)(821b8e6)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(cli): remove html column sort icons (Salim Afiune Maya)(dc4c0f6)

Other Changes

  • ci(fix) Update CI test node (#233) (Scott Ford)(ddbf86e)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


13 Oct 21:09
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.6.


  • feat(api): trigger initial report automatically (#230) (Salim Afiune)(1e24a22)

Documentation Updates

  • docs(cli): disable timestamp for automatic docs (#229) (Salim Afiune)(f4d7841)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


12 Oct 22:37
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.5.

Bug Fixes

  • fix(cli): add epoch to package manifest (Salim Afiune Maya)(17da487)

Other Changes

  • chore(ci): make GH org a readonly parameter (Salim Afiune Maya)(b4f5f6d)
  • chore(cli): update pkg-manifest message for 0 vuln (Salim Afiune Maya)(5029dc8)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


07 Oct 19:41
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.4.

Allow custom installation directory

Now you can install the Lacework CLI on any directory you wish to install it!

$ curl | bash -s -- -d $HOME/bin

The script has other flags like -v that allows you to rollback
to a previous version of the Lacework CLI:

bash: Installs the Lacework Command Line Interface.

Authors: Technology Alliances <[email protected]>

    bash [FLAGS]

    -h    Prints help information
    -v    Specifies a version (ex: v0.1.0)
    -d    The installation directory (default: /usr/local/bin)
    -t    Specifies the target of the program to download (default: linux-amd64)

Programatic access to profile data

We have seen a number of Lacework CLI users with a high number of configured
profiles, to help them manage their profiles we have introduced a new list
command that lists all profiles configured into the config file located at

$ lacework configure list

Additionally, there is a new show command that allows you to programmatically
access the current computed configuration data. This makes it easy to export
the necessary environment variables for different workflows:

$ export LW_API_KEY="$(lacework configure show api_key --profile dev)"


  • feat(cli): programatic access to profile data (#225) (Salim Afiune)(ab7ce7c)
  • feat(cli): allow custom installation directory -d 📁 (#223) (Salim Afiune)(ee9e686)

Documentation Updates

  • docs: automatically generate cli docs (#224) (Salim Afiune)(5b91e1e)

Other Changes

  • chore: add badges to (#222) (Salim Afiune)(db7235d)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


22 Sep 22:25
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.3.


  • feat(cli): add scan-pkg-manifest summary 📈 (#220) (Salim Afiune)(9b009c3)
  • feat(ux): generate package-manifest command (#217) (Salim Afiune)(0c842ab)


  • refactor: remove 'apk' as supported pkg manager (Salim Afiune Maya)(4165783)

Other Changes

  • chore(ci): update lacework circleci orb (Salim Afiune Maya)(3952c66)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


21 Sep 20:00
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.2.


  • feat(lql): --file flag to load LQL query from disk (Salim Afiune Maya)(4804319)
  • feat(cli): --file to pass a package manifest file (Salim Afiune Maya)(75680d8)
  • feat: human-readable output for scan-pkg-manifest (Salim Afiune Maya)(783f550)
  • feat(lql): improve running queries (Salim Afiune Maya)(61c5ee5)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(ci): remove slack notification for windows (#214) (Salim Afiune)(a2c5124)

Other Changes

  • ci(slack): notify pipeline failures (#213) (Salim Afiune)(85ad396)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


11 Sep 16:35
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.2.1.


  • feat(ctr): use new lacework/lacework-cli repository (#206) (Salim Afiune)(fa1e268)
  • feat: add DockerV2, ECR and GCR container registries (#205) (Salim Afiune)(18a8c8b)
  • feat: add decoder for jira custom_template_file (#201) (Salim Afiune)(2630ab5)
  • feat(cli): ask for JIRA Custom Template file 🚨 (Salim Afiune Maya)(5a4eb17)
  • feat(api): encode custom_template_file for Jira int (Salim Afiune Maya)(887ca15)

Documentation Updates

  • docs(typo) fix spelling of visualize for compliance help command (#204) (Scott Ford)(75e0348)

Other Changes

  • chore(api): remove MinAlertSeverity field from examples/ (Salim Afiune Maya)(274b8e9)
  • ci(cli): fix event time range test (Salim Afiune Maya)(9c2336b)

Docker Images

  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull lacework/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


26 Aug 16:09
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Release Notes

Introducing the new Lacework CLI v0.2.0

What's new?

Top-level vulnerability command

The new lacework vulnerability command have two new sub-commands:

  • container: for container vulnerability assessments
  • host: for host vulnerability assessments

Container Vulnerability

The new lacework vulnerability container command has the following sub-commands:

  • list-assessments: list container vulnerability assessments (default last 7 days)
  • show-assessment: show results of a container vulnerability assessment
  • scan: request an on-demand container vulnerability assessment
  • scan-status: check the status of an on-demand container vulnerability assessment

Host Vulnerability

The new lacework vulnerability host command has the following sub-commands:

  • list-cves: list the CVEs found in the hosts in your environment
  • list-hosts: list the hosts that contain a specified CVE id in your environment
  • show-assessment: show results of a host vulnerability assessment
  • scan-pkg-manifest: request an on-demand host vulnerability assessment from a package-manifest

Lacework Events

  • The new lacework event open <event_id> allows you to quickly open events in the Lacework Console to do further investigation
  • The lacework event show <event_id> also provides a direct link to the event in the Lacework Console
  • The lacework events list command can now filter by event severity, as well as filter by a specific number of days (max 7 days)

What's deprecated?

The following commands have been deprecated:

  • lacework vulnerability report use now lacework vulnerability container show-assessment
  • lacework vulnerability scan run use now lacework vulnerability container scan
  • lacework vulnerability scan show use now lacework vulnerability container scan-status

These commands will continue to work for a number of releases showing a deprecation message similar to:

$ lacework vulnerability report
(DEPRECATED) This command has been moved, use now the following command:

  $ lacework vulnerability container show-assessment <sha256:hash>


  • feat(cli): new event open command (#197) (Salim Afiune)(42e0309)
  • feat(cli): filter events by severity (Salim Afiune Maya)(2d8fdf4)
  • feat(cli): list events from a number of days (Salim Afiune Maya)(0474765)
  • feat(cli): allow users to pass only --start flag (Salim Afiune Maya)(547dc1d)
  • feat(cli): filter assessments for specific repos (Salim Afiune Maya)(6482d8e)
  • feat(cli): --active & --fixable flags to container vuln (Salim Afiune Maya)(9f027b9)
  • feat(cli): --active & --fixable flags to host vuln (Salim Afiune Maya)(27f5197)
  • feat(cli): add emoji support for windows (Salim Afiune Maya)(0762814)
  • feat(cli): add an emoji Go package for 🍺 🍕 🌮 (Salim Afiune Maya)(cafb8d8)
  • feat(cli): order vulnerabilities by total of hosts (Salim Afiune Maya)(5cfe695)
  • feat(cli): new vulnerability list-assessments command (Salim Afiune Maya)(7e7191a)


  • refactor(cli): container and host vulnerability cmds (Salim Afiune Maya)(c5c0117)
  • refactor: host vulnerability feature (Salim Afiune Maya)(5e9f770)
  • refactor: container vulnerability feature (Salim Afiune Maya)(bdaf126)

Performance Improvements

  • perf(cli): retry polling on-demand container scan statuses (Salim Afiune Maya)(d14ea35)

Other Changes

  • chore(cli): update help messages (Salim Afiune Maya)(f1c164c)
  • chore(cli): consistent help message for vuln cmds (Salim Afiune Maya)(f796c58)
  • chore(cli): leave breadcrumbs for host vuln cmds (Salim Afiune Maya)(45d8427)
  • ci(integration): run full tests on windows (#190) (Salim Afiune)(c5c8cf4)
  • test(integration): add host vulnerability tests (Salim Afiune Maya)(a5cb795)
  • test(integration): add container vulnerability tests (Salim Afiune Maya)(9b2c49d)

Docker Images

  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2


13 Aug 18:55
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Release Notes

Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.1.24.


  • feat(cli): better ux in account validation (#187) (Salim Afiune)(cdd045a)
  • feat(cli): new access-tokens command (#184) (Salim Afiune)(ee338c4)
  • feat(cli): Create Jira Alert Channels 🚨 (Salim Afiune Maya)(6ca8cef)
  • feat(api): add Jira alert channel integrations (Salim Afiune Maya)(0cdb2a4)


  • refactor: remove legacy field min_alert_severity (#186) (Salim Afiune)(54ca38c)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(cli): display integration update by/update time (Salim Afiune Maya)(7060078)

Docker Images

  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:latest
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:scratch
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubi-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:centos-8
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:debian-10
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:ubuntu-1804
  • docker pull techallylw/lacework-cli:amazonlinux-2