Safe wrapper around the libheif-sys crate for parsing heif/heic files.
>= 1.16.0clang
- to generate rust bindings forlibheif
crate. See bindgen requirements.
wouldn't be needed if you disable use-bindgen
In this case the pre-generated file
will be used
instead of generating it on the fly with help of binden
file was generated under x64 linux and may
not work as expected under x32 architectures or other operating systems.
Crate libheif-sys
uses pkg-confing
to find installed libheif
Crate libheif-sys
uses vcpkg crate
to find libheif
installed with help of vcpkg
You can use cargo-vcpkg
to install libheif
with help of cargo
cargo vcpkg -v build
can fetch and build a vcpkg
installation of required
packages from scratch. It merges package requirements specified in
the Cargo.toml
of crates in the dependency tree.
PS: I tried build libheif
for Windows, but libheif-rs
filed because libheif
does not have any encoder plugins available.
use libheif_rs::{
Channel, RgbChroma, ColorSpace, HeifContext, Result, ItemId, LibHeif
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let lib_heif = LibHeif::new();
let ctx = HeifContext::read_from_file("./data/test.heif")?;
let handle = ctx.primary_image_handle()?;
assert_eq!(handle.width(), 1652);
assert_eq!(handle.height(), 1791);
// Get Exif
let mut meta_ids: Vec<ItemId> = vec![0; 1];
let count = handle.metadata_block_ids(&mut meta_ids, b"Exif");
assert_eq!(count, 1);
let exif: Vec<u8> = handle.metadata(meta_ids[0])?;
// Decode the image
let image = lib_heif.decode(&handle, ColorSpace::Rgb(RgbChroma::Rgb), None)?;
assert_eq!(image.color_space(), Some(ColorSpace::Rgb(RgbChroma::Rgb)));
assert_eq!(image.width(), 1652);
assert_eq!(image.height(), 1791);
// Scale the image
let small_img = image.scale(1024, 800, None)?;
assert_eq!(small_img.width(), 1024);
assert_eq!(small_img.height(), 800);
// Get "pixels"
let planes = small_img.planes();
let interleaved_plane = planes.interleaved.unwrap();
assert_eq!(interleaved_plane.width, 1024);
assert_eq!(interleaved_plane.height, 800);
assert!(interleaved_plane.stride > 0);
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
use libheif_rs::{
Channel, RgbChroma, ColorSpace, CompressionFormat, EncoderQuality,
HeifContext, Image, Result, LibHeif
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let width = 640;
let height = 480;
let mut image = Image::new(width, height, ColorSpace::Rgb(RgbChroma::C444))?;
image.create_plane(Channel::R, width, height, 8)?;
image.create_plane(Channel::G, width, height, 8)?;
image.create_plane(Channel::B, width, height, 8)?;
let planes = image.planes_mut();
let plane_r = planes.r.unwrap();
let stride = plane_r.stride;
let data_r =;
let data_g = planes.g.unwrap().data;
let data_b = planes.b.unwrap().data;
// Fill data of planes by some "pixels"
for y in 0..height {
let mut row_start = stride * y as usize;
for x in 0..width {
let color = (x * y) as u32;
data_r[row_start] = ((color & 0x00_ff_00_00) >> 16) as u8;
data_g[row_start] = ((color & 0x00_00_ff_00) >> 8) as u8;
data_b[row_start] = (color & 0x00_00_00_ff) as u8;
row_start += 1;
// Encode image and save it into file.
let lib_heif = LibHeif::new();
let mut context = HeifContext::new()?;
let mut encoder = lib_heif.encoder_for_format(CompressionFormat::Av1)?;
context.encode_image(&image, &mut encoder, None)?;
let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();