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139 lines (105 loc) · 4.24 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (105 loc) · 4.24 KB


Safe wrapper around the libheif-sys crate for parsing heif/heic files.


System dependencies

clang wouldn't be needed if you disable use-bindgen feature. In this case the pre-generated file will be used
instead of generating it on the fly with help of binden crate.

Warning: file was generated under x64 linux and may not work as expected under x32 architectures or other operating systems.


Crate libheif-sys uses pkg-confing to find installed libheif.


Crate libheif-sys uses vcpkg crate to find libheif installed with help of vcpkg.

You can use cargo-vcpkg to install libheif with help of cargo command:

cargo vcpkg -v build

cargo-vcpkg can fetch and build a vcpkg installation of required packages from scratch. It merges package requirements specified in the Cargo.toml of crates in the dependency tree.

PS: I tried build libheif for Windows, but libheif-rs tests filed because libheif does not have any encoder plugins available.


Read HEIF file

use libheif_rs::{
    Channel, RgbChroma, ColorSpace, HeifContext, Result, ItemId, LibHeif

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let lib_heif = LibHeif::new();
    let ctx = HeifContext::read_from_file("./data/test.heif")?;
    let handle = ctx.primary_image_handle()?;
    assert_eq!(handle.width(), 1652);
    assert_eq!(handle.height(), 1791);

    // Get Exif
    let mut meta_ids: Vec<ItemId> = vec![0; 1];
    let count = handle.metadata_block_ids(&mut meta_ids, b"Exif");
    assert_eq!(count, 1);
    let exif: Vec<u8> = handle.metadata(meta_ids[0])?;

    // Decode the image
    let image = lib_heif.decode(&handle, ColorSpace::Rgb(RgbChroma::Rgb), None)?;
    assert_eq!(image.color_space(), Some(ColorSpace::Rgb(RgbChroma::Rgb)));
    assert_eq!(image.width(), 1652);
    assert_eq!(image.height(), 1791);

    // Scale the image
    let small_img = image.scale(1024, 800, None)?;
    assert_eq!(small_img.width(), 1024);
    assert_eq!(small_img.height(), 800);

    // Get "pixels"
    let planes = small_img.planes();
    let interleaved_plane = planes.interleaved.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(interleaved_plane.width, 1024);
    assert_eq!(interleaved_plane.height, 800);
    assert!(interleaved_plane.stride > 0);


Write HEIF file

use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
use libheif_rs::{
    Channel, RgbChroma, ColorSpace, CompressionFormat, EncoderQuality, 
    HeifContext, Image, Result, LibHeif

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let width = 640;
    let height = 480;

    let mut image = Image::new(width, height, ColorSpace::Rgb(RgbChroma::C444))?;

    image.create_plane(Channel::R, width, height, 8)?;
    image.create_plane(Channel::G, width, height, 8)?;
    image.create_plane(Channel::B, width, height, 8)?;

    let planes = image.planes_mut();
    let plane_r = planes.r.unwrap();
    let stride = plane_r.stride;

    let data_r =;
    let data_g = planes.g.unwrap().data;
    let data_b = planes.b.unwrap().data;

    // Fill data of planes by some "pixels"
    for y in 0..height {
        let mut row_start = stride * y as usize;
        for x in 0..width {
            let color = (x * y) as u32;
            data_r[row_start] = ((color & 0x00_ff_00_00) >> 16) as u8;
            data_g[row_start] = ((color & 0x00_00_ff_00) >> 8) as u8;
            data_b[row_start] = (color & 0x00_00_00_ff) as u8;
            row_start += 1;

    // Encode image and save it into file.
    let lib_heif = LibHeif::new();
    let mut context = HeifContext::new()?;
    let mut encoder = lib_heif.encoder_for_format(CompressionFormat::Av1)?;
    context.encode_image(&image, &mut encoder, None)?;

    let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
