APC40 mkI/II
New: Drum mode provides functions to select, mute, solo and browse drum pads.
New: In note editing the parameter Release Velocity was replaced with Velocity Spread and Pitch with Chance .
New: Note Repeat can now be used in the play and drum mode.
New: Added note repeat settings.
New: Added settings Display clips of record enabled tracks in red , Action for pressing rec armed empty clip and Turn off empty drum pads .
New: Renamed Note Input to Pads .
New: Shift + Tap Tempo: Inserts a new marker at the current play position.
New: Cursor right: Move track bank focus 8 tracks up
New: Cursor left: Move track bank focus 8 tracks down
New: Shift+Cursor right: Selects the next marker to the right of the play cursor.
New: Shift+Cursor left: Selects the next marker to the left of the play cursor.
New: Alt+Resonance knob: Changes the velocity spread of the note.
New: Alt+Filter knob: Changes the chance of the note.
LaunchControl XL
New: Note Sequencer: RecArm + Send A knob: Changes note chance.
New: Drum + Note Sequencer: RecArm + Send B knob: Changes velocity spread.
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