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Baptiste Lesquoy edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 4 revisions


Development Teams

GAMA is developed by several teams under the umbrella of the IRD/SU international research unit UMMISCO:


GAMA is being designed, developed and maintained by an active group of researchers coming from these different institutions. Please find below a short introduction to each of them and a summary of their contributions to the platform:

  • Alexis Drogoul, Senior Researcher at the IRD, member of the UMMISCO International Research Unit. Mostly working on agent-based modeling and simulation. Has contributed and still contributes to the original design of the platform, including the GAML language (from the meta-model to the editor) and simulation facilities like Java2D displays.
  • Patrick Taillandier, Senior Researcher at INRAE, member of the MIAT Research Unit. Contributes since 2008 to the spatial and graph features (GIS integration, spatial operators), graphical modeling, human behavior modeling, model exploration and traffic simulation.
  • Benoit Gaudou, Associate Professor at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole, member of the IRIT CNRS Mixed Research Unit. Contributes since 2010 to documentation and unit test generation and coupling mathematical (ODE and PDE) and agent paradigms.
  • Arnaud Grignard, Computer Scientist at Université de Lyon as a Marie Curie Fellowship and research associate at the MIT Media Lab CityScience, software engineer and PhD fellow (PDI-MSC) at SU. Contributes since 2011 to the development of new features related to visualization, interaction, online analysis and tangible interfaces.
  • Huynh Quang Nghi, software engineering lecturer at CTU and PhD fellow (PDI-MSC) at SU. Contributes since 2012 to the development of new features related to GAML parser, coupling formalisms in EBM-ABM and ABM-ABM, GAMA server and co-modeling.
  • Truong Minh Thai, software engineering lecturer at CTU and PhD fellow (PRJ322-MOET) at IRIT-UT1. Contributes since 2012 to the development of new features related to data management and analysis.
  • Nicolas Marilleau, Researcher at the IRD, member of the UMMISCO International Research Unit and associate researcher at DISC team of FEMTO-ST institute. Contributes since 2010 to the development of headless mode and the high performance computing module.
  • Philippe Caillou, Associate professor at the University Paris Sud 11, member of the LRI and INRIA project-team TAO. Contributes since 2012 and actually working on charts, simulation analysis and BDI agents.
  • Vo Duc An, Post-doctoral Researcher, working on synthetic population generation in agent-based modelling, at the UMMISCO International Research Unit of the IRD. Has contributed to bringing the platform to the Eclipse RCP environment and to the development of several features (e.g., the FIPA-compliant agent communication capability, the multi-level architecture).
  • Truong Xuan Viet, software engineering lecturer at CTU and PhD fellow (PDI-MSC) at SU. Contributes since 2011 to the development of new features related to R caller, online GIS (OPENGIS: Web Map Service - WMS, Web Feature Services - WMS, Google map, etc).
  • Kevin Chapuis, Researcher at IRD and independent consultant. Mostly working on generation of synthetic populations and improvements to the batch experiments. Has contributed to the design and development of the genstar plugin, as well as the new batch architecture in GAMA 1.9.1.
  • Jean-Daniel.Zucker, Senior Researcher at IRD, member and director of UMMISCO. Mostly working on Machine Learning and also optimization using agent-based modeling and simulation. Has contributed to different models and advised different students on GAMA since its beginning.
  • Arthur Brugiere, Lead Technical Officer at UMMISCO Vietnam. In charge of the build tools and the architecture of GAMA repositories. Working mainly on multi-level capabilities inside GAMA.
  • Baptiste Lesquoy, International volunteer at UMMISCO Vietnam. In charge of the co-development of GAMA server. Working mainly on coupling GAMA with various environments (Unreal Engine, Python, R, Matlab...).
  • Srirama Bhamidipati, Independent researcher. In charge of the development of the communication and documentation around GAMA, community manager of the GAMA Google Group.
  • Tri Nguyen Huu, researcher at IRD, member of UMMISCO. In charge of the development and maintenance of the maths plugin. Has contributed a number of library models on the coupling of equation-based modelling and agent-based modelling.
  1. What's new (Changelog)
  1. Installation and Launching
    1. Installation
    2. Launching GAMA
    3. Updating GAMA
    4. Installing Plugins
  2. Workspace, Projects and Models
    1. Navigating in the Workspace
    2. Changing Workspace
    3. Importing Models
  3. Editing Models
    1. GAML Editor (Generalities)
    2. GAML Editor Tools
    3. Validation of Models
  4. Running Experiments
    1. Launching Experiments
    2. Experiments User interface
    3. Controls of experiments
    4. Parameters view
    5. Inspectors and monitors
    6. Displays
    7. Batch Specific UI
    8. Errors View
  5. Running Headless
    1. Headless Batch
    2. Headless Server
    3. Headless Legacy
  6. Preferences
  7. Troubleshooting
  1. Introduction
    1. Start with GAML
    2. Organization of a Model
    3. Basic programming concepts in GAML
  2. Manipulate basic Species
  3. Global Species
    1. Regular Species
    2. Defining Actions and Behaviors
    3. Interaction between Agents
    4. Attaching Skills
    5. Inheritance
  4. Defining Advanced Species
    1. Grid Species
    2. Graph Species
    3. Mirror Species
    4. Multi-Level Architecture
  5. Defining GUI Experiment
    1. Defining Parameters
    2. Defining Displays Generalities
    3. Defining 3D Displays
    4. Defining Charts
    5. Defining Monitors and Inspectors
    6. Defining Export files
    7. Defining User Interaction
  6. Exploring Models
    1. Run Several Simulations
    2. Batch Experiments
    3. Exploration Methods
  7. Optimizing Model Section
    1. Runtime Concepts
    2. Optimizing Models
  8. Multi-Paradigm Modeling
    1. Control Architecture
    2. Defining Differential Equations
  1. Manipulate OSM Data
  2. Diffusion
  3. Using Database
  4. Using FIPA ACL
  5. Using BDI with BEN
  6. Using Driving Skill
  7. Manipulate dates
  8. Manipulate lights
  9. Using comodel
  10. Save and restore Simulations
  11. Using network
  12. Headless mode
  13. Using Headless
  14. Writing Unit Tests
  15. Ensure model's reproducibility
  16. Going further with extensions
    1. Calling R
    2. Using Graphical Editor
    3. Using Git from GAMA
  1. Built-in Species
  2. Built-in Skills
  3. Built-in Architecture
  4. Statements
  5. Data Type
  6. File Type
  7. Expressions
    1. Literals
    2. Units and Constants
    3. Pseudo Variables
    4. Variables And Attributes
    5. Operators [A-A]
    6. Operators [B-C]
    7. Operators [D-H]
    8. Operators [I-M]
    9. Operators [N-R]
    10. Operators [S-Z]
  8. Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
  1. Installing the GIT version
  2. Developing Extensions
    1. Developing Plugins
    2. Developing Skills
    3. Developing Statements
    4. Developing Operators
    5. Developing Types
    6. Developing Species
    7. Developing Control Architectures
    8. Index of annotations
  3. Introduction to GAMA Java API
    1. Architecture of GAMA
    2. IScope
  4. Using GAMA flags
  5. Creating a release of GAMA
  6. Documentation generation

  1. Predator Prey
  2. Road Traffic
  3. 3D Tutorial
  4. Incremental Model
  5. Luneray's flu
  6. BDI Agents

  1. Team
  2. Projects using GAMA
  3. Scientific References
  4. Training Sessions


  1. Videos
  2. Conferences
  3. Code Examples
  4. Pedagogical materials
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