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Meredith Espinosa edited this page Jul 18, 2018 · 1 revision

The Shifter can be used to increase or decrease the numerical values of the signal input from the back. The Shifter has a left-shift mode and a right-shift mode. In left-shift mode, a signal's value is effectively doubled (0b00_0010 (2) is shifted to 0b00_0100 (4)), and in right-shift mode, a signal's value is effectively halved (0b00_0010 (2) is shifted to 0b00_0001 (1)). If a bit is shifted off of the scale, like shifting 0b11_1111 (63) either direction, the extra bit will be output to the side which the Shifter is moving towards. If you shift 0b11_1111 (63) to the left, it would turn into 0b11_1110 (62) with the left side ejecting 0b00_0001 (1), and if you shift 0b11_1111 (63) to the right, it would turn into 0b01_1111 (31) with the right side ejecting 0b00_0001 (1).

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