Create a basic ("Preview Camera" / "Fly Cam") by example for your unity asset / project
REPO NOTE: The purpose of this repository / project was decided upon recently when working on another project and creating these scripts for using while working on that project and then coming to the conclusion, hey, this would be helpful for myself and or anyone else that wanted a basic "fly / preview cam" say for usage when creating and or distributing assets like terrain demos or other such assets that do not have say an included character controller or would not need one but would need some type of preview camera to view the demo content in asset or what not, thus upon considering such it was decided to add this repository for such...
NOTE: This project was developed while / for using Unity 2021+ & 2022+ & Unity 6
Note: The following found below are related to the provided scripts.
- Forward: W
- Reverse: S
- Left: A
- Right: D
- Up: Q
- Down: E
- Minus FOV: Z or Mouse Scroll Wheel
- Plus FOV: X or Mouse Scroll Wheel
- Vertical Move Input: Vertical
- Horizontal Move Input: Horizontal
- Mouse Scroll Wheel Input: Mouse ScrollWheel
- Mouse Y Input: Mouse Y
- Mouse X Input: Mouse X
- Plus Speed Left Key: Left Shift
- Plus Speed Right Key: Right Shift
- Minus Speed Left Key: Left Control
- Minus Speed Right Key: Right Control
- Plus Lift Key: Q
- Minus Lift Key: E
- Cursor Lock Key: End
- Minus Field Of View Key: Z
- Plus Field Of View Key: X
NOTE: This can be used simply as preview cam script only or also provides the option to then opt to also add the preview cam altitude script as well.
The Preview Camera Altitude Script uses Text Mesh Pro
Simply follow the documentation instruction linkages for manual setups found below.
Preview Camera Setup Documentation:
Preview Camera Altitude Setup Documentation: