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Enes Sait Besler

Enestst edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 18 revisions

About Me

Hi I am Enes Sait Besler. I am a computer engineering student who loves programming.



Personal Effort

Weekly Effort

  • Week 1

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Helped to create Lab Report and created the git part for this. 15 minutes
Taking meet notes during the lab 30 Minutes
Contributing the edit new Wiki page 15 Minutes
Renew my Personel wiki page 10 Minutes
  • Week 2

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Helped to create Lab Report and created the git part for this. 10 minutes
Taking meet notes during the lab 30 Minutes
Added some functional requirements and changed URLs for archived requirements before the Lab. 20 Minutes
  • Week 3

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Helped to create Lab Report and added it to the git. 10 minutes
Taking meet notes during the lab and creating action items 30 Minutes
For the mobile team I communicated with my teammate and created some issues for the roadplan. 20 Minutes
Created and edited a mockup scenario and adjusted requirements for this scenario. 30 Minutes
Created another mockup scenario and adjusted requirements for this scenario. 40 Minutes
  • Week 4

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Helped to create Lab Report and added it to the git. 20 minutes
Taking meet notes during the lab and creating action items 30 Minutes
Created sequence diagrams about creating a post, and bookmarking, 30 Minutes
Initialized the mobile project with the Expo and Made implementations on added App.tsx, post card component, Spotify embed component, post page, mock posts. Added react-native-webview package and updated package.json file. 7 hours
  • Week 5

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Taking meet notes during the lab and creating action items 15 Minutes
Deciding on the standard and changed user requirements according to standard. 20 Minutes
  • Week 7

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Taking meet notes during the lab and creating action items 20 Minutes
Taking meet notes during the lab and creating action items 20 Minutes
Discussed and decided to user stories and wrote User Story 1. 35 Minutes
Added change theme utility to mobile app. 50 Minutes
  • Week 8

Task Duration
Attended the demo and helped with the presentation. 1 hours
Made implementations on the mobile app. Created a submenu for recommendations on the mobile app. Implemented unit tests for mobile app. Implemented like and dislike buttons. For the milestone report, I wrote a part for the planning and team process part and my individual efforts. Took APK release for the milestone demo. 10 hours
  • Week 9

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Taking meet notes during the lab and creating action items 20 Minutes
Created Testing Strategies for the mobile app to help create the Lab report. 20 Minutes
Create a post feature on the mobile app. 2 Hours
  • Week 10

Task Duration
Attending the Lecture 1 hour
Attending the Lab 2 hours
Taking meet notes during the lab and creating action items 20 Minutes
Creating Final Report Presentation for Lab Report 25 Minutes
Discussed and decided to user stories and wrote User Story 1. 35 Minutes
Made implementations on the mobile app. Created the most Listed and most shared nearby features. Implemented unit tests for my implementations. Implemented song lyrics screen. Create a dynamic user profile page for the mobile app. Added profile post sections. Add the following posts section on the Home page. For the milestone report, I wrote some important parts of the report and my individual efforts. Took APK release for the milestone demo. 20 hours
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