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[ SonoSpeech User Manual PDF from 2022 ]
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^1
Version 2.20.
Articulate Instruments Limited
Queen Margaret Campus, Queen Margaret University Drive
Musselburgh EH21 6UU
Phone:0131 474 0000
Fax:0131 474 0001
Email:[email protected]
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Articulate Instruments Ltd. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any other medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. No part of this manual may be published, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the written permission of Articulate Instruments Ltd.
- Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd
- Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd
- 1 Introducing the SonoSpeech™ application
- Software Features
- Overview
- 2 Installing the SonoSpeech™ application
- 3 Getting started
- Running SonoSpeech
- Registering SonoSpeech (activating the license)
- 4 Using the SonoSpeech™ application
- Managing the appearance of the application
- Adjusting the size of windows
- What the buttons do
- The Basics
- Loading a Client
- Loading a wordlist
- Recording a wordlist
- Playing back a recording
- Playing back more slowly
- Using the live feedback display (freezing)
- Playing a reward animation
- Viewing tongue contour
- Ultrasound display overlays
- Creating a palate trace automatically
- Creating a palate trace manually....................................................................................
- Change palate or marker colour
- Creating a marker
- Selecting a palate or marker...........................................................................................
- Deleting a palate or marker
- Saving a palate or marker (= closing the editor)
- Cancelling (undoing) changes to palate or markers
- Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd
- Hiding/showing markers
- Using exemplars
- Show/hide the exemplar window
- Loading and playing an exemplar video
- Loading an exemplar image snapshot from the current client
- Copy/save an ultrasound snapshot
- The spectrogram window
- Show/hide the spectrogram window
- Selecting a region of the recording
- Zooming in
- Settings
- Show the settings buttons
- Set ultrasound brightness and contrast
- Change ultrasound depth and field of view
- Synchronise the audio and ultrasound
- Speckle Reduction
- Advanced settings
- General settings
- Audio settings
- 5 Troubleshooting
- Index
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^5
1111 IIIINTRODUCINGNTRODUCINGNTRODUCINGNTRODUCING THE THE THE THE SSSSONOONOONOONO SSSSPEECHPEECHPEECHPEECH ™™™™ APPLICATION (^) APPLICATIONAPPLICATIONAPPLICATION SSSSOFTWARE OFTWARE OFTWARE OFTWARE FFFFEATURESEATURESEATURESEATURES − Simple data management. The software automatically manages files, grouping files according to client and session without the need to open, save or name individual files. − Client-based. Each client’s data is stored in an individual folder in an encrypted form. − Easy to use. The software comes with an intuitive interface designed to be easy to operate for non-technical users. (But we are always open to suggestions to make it even easier) − Flexible. The display can be configured to include only the windows that are needed for the task in hand. − Encouraging. Best attempts in a previous session can be labelled and recalled to give a client the confidence that the target sound is achievable. Rewarding animations can be played after successful attempts. Symbols and colours can be chosen to mark target positions for the tongue. − Compatible. Data recorded using SonoSpeech can be read by AAA software that researchers can use to study speech in more detail. OOOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW SonoSpeech™ is a full-featured interface for the Micro or EchoB ultrasound systems running on Windows 7/8/10/11. SonoSpeech™ is designed to allow Speech & Language Therapists/ Speech-language Pathologists to observe, record, review and assess ultrasound images produced by their clients. Sonospeech™ also has features which may be helpful when using the live visual display for clinical intervention including the following:
- Overlays showing palate position and markers for where the tongue should or should not be placed.
- Pre-recorded template videos of key target sounds which may be played to demonstrate typical tongue position and movement for the target sound being treated.
- The ability to save and recall the client’s own best effort from the current or previous session.
- A reward animation which can be played to provide positive reinforcement.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^6
- An animated tongue contour providing a simpler display of tongue shape than the ultrasound image.
Sonospeech™ may be operated by a touch screen or a mouse whichever is most convenient.
To install the software, either:
- Download and run Setup_SonoSpeech.exe from http://www.articulateinstruments.com/downloads/
- Run setup_SonoSpeech.exe from the Articulate Instruments flash drive supplied with Micro system
- It is recommended to close all other applications before installing as the system will automatically reboot at the end of the installation.
Click Yes
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^7
Read and accept the license agreement. Then click Next.
Click Next.
If the software is already installed, a warning will appear. To upgrade, click Yes. Or change
the name of the folder to create an alternative installation while preserving the old one.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^8
Recommended to Click Next.
EchoB/EchoWave II drivers needed to allow Micro and EchoB ultrasound to operate.
Machine Learning option will install MiniConda and DeepLabCut and is required for tongue
contour estimation. The X264 codec is required to view the example videos.
Click Next.
Click Install.
Click Next to install ultrasound hardware drivers.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^9
Leave MicrUS checked and uncheck all the rest to save time then click Next. If you have an
old EchoB system then check “Echoblaster 128”
Click Next.
This message may appear several times. Click Install each time.
Click Finish.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^10
Click No The installer will reboot your computer after the full installation has completed.
Click Next to install the default software that comes with the Micro system.
Agree to overwrite all presets and settings and click Next.
Select Region and click Next
Click Next.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^11
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
This codec is needed to play example videos. Click Next for all dialogue windows until
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^12
Click I Agree
Click Next
Click Install
Click Next
Click Finish
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^13
Miniconda is required to run the tongue estimation. Click Next until installed.
Sonospeech will then run and the following window will appear while DeepLabCut Machine learning environment is loaded.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^14
Click Finish
RRRRUNNING UNNING UNNING UNNING SSSSONOONOONOONO SSSSPEECHPEECHPEECHPEECH After installation the SonoSpeech™ application will be in the ‘C:\SonoSpeech\’ folder. The program can be run from the Windows Taskbar Start Menu (‘ Start:Programs:ArticAsst:SonoSpeech ) or from a desktop icon.
RRRREGISTERING EGISTERING EGISTERING EGISTERING SSSSONOONOONOONO SSSSPEECH PEECH PEECH PEECH ((((ACTIVATING THE LICENSEACTIVATING THE LICENSEACTIVATING THE LICENSEACTIVATING THE LICENSE )))) When SonoSpeech is run for the first time the startup screen will prompt for a registration code. If a license has been purchased then email the License ID to [email protected]. An enabling code will be sent by return email. Enter
that code and click the button. It is only necessary to do this once.
Otherwise select the button to continue in demonstration mode. It is not possible to see live ultrasound data in this mode but pre-recorded data can be viewed.
NB. The License is locked to the computer that it is installed on. To
install the application on a different computer will require purchase of
another license.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^15
After registration is complete the SonoSpeech application must be restarted. The startup screen will then show the License ID. This is confirmation that the application is fully functional.
Managing the appearance of the applicationManaging the appearance of the applicationManaging the appearance of the applicationManaging the appearance of the application The buttons down the right side of the application allow all windows (apart from the ultrasound display) to be hidden, simplifying the display.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^16
All windows showing All windows hidden
Clicking one of these buttons toggles between showing and hiding the corresponding display.
Adjusting the size of windowsAdjusting the size of windowsAdjusting the size of windowsAdjusting the size of windows
Click and drag a grab-handle with horizontal stripes to change the height of a window.
Click and drag a grab-handle with vertical stripes to change the width of a window.
What the buttons doWhat the buttons doWhat the buttons doWhat the buttons do
Show client selection display
Show palate and marker overlay editor
Show word list editor
Show exemplar display
Show prompt display
Show currently loaded wordlist
Show spectrogram
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^17
Close application (Only visible in Client window, click first)
Changes the ultrasound image from a recording to live input
Sets playback at normal speed
Sets playback at half speed
Sets playback at ¼ speed
Start/Stop playback (a recording needs to be loaded first)
Start/stop ultrasound recording (automatically saved at end of
Show/Hide palate & marker overlays
Show/hide animated gif
Copy/Save currently displayed image
Toggle between ultrasound image/ tongue contour estimation / both
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^18
Loading a ClientLoading a ClientLoading a ClientLoading a Client The first thing to do when the program is started up is to select an existing client or create a new one. Each new client is given a code number automatically. A client name is added by the clinician and displayed beneath the code number (Figure 1 C ). The first time the program is started, only the demo client ‘Ultrax_02TD1M’ is visible. If a new client is to be
recorded then the ‘ Add new client ’ button must be clicked (Figure 1 C )
Figure 1 Client window: Create and open client sessions
and their details typed into the client editor. The client name can be edited at any time
using the ‘ Edit Client Details ’ button.
Refer to the following flowcharts to:
- Create a new client
- Open an existing client to review a past session or record a new session
- Edit the Client name or session name
NB. The date of the recording is automatically provided as the session
name. It is advisable to retain the date if the session details are
revised. E.g. 13/12/2011 Pre-therapy 1
A. Add new Client
C. Select client
D. Edit Client details
B. Search for client (if list is big)
E. Open New Session
F. Select Previous Session
H. Close Application
G. Open Previous Session
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^19
Click Yes next
to client details
Create and Open
new client
Click on
Add icon
Recording session
is opened for new client
Enter extra session info
if required
Enter Client name
Cancel creating
client at any time
Open existing client
Click on
client icon
Open new
Click on session
with desired date
Click Add below
client ID
No Edit client
Click on
Edit client
New recording session
is opened
Previous session
is opened
See Edit Client/Session
Click Yes below
Click Yes below
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^20
Cancel editing
at any time
Click Yes next
to client details
Edit Client/Session
Click on
Edit complete
Enter extra session info
if required
Enter Client name
Click on
Edit Client
No client name
Click on
desired session
NB. All the client details and data files created in ‘SonoSpeech™’ are
automatically saved.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^21
Loading a wordlistLoading a wordlistLoading a wordlistLoading a wordlist To record a client, an appropriate wordlist should be loaded.
Click the Edit/Load prompts icon to open the wordlist dialogue.
If the desired wordlist is not in the top left panel click on one of the available word lists in
the bottom left panel and click
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^22
Then select the wordlist in the top left panel and click
The wordlist editor will disappear, and the selected wordlist will be available to start recording.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^23
RecordingRecordingRecordingRecording a wordlista wordlista wordlista wordlist Making a recording is easy. Configure the display so that the word list is visible on the right
side (click ) and the prompt screen is visible at the top (click ).
Select the prompt that you want the client to read by clicking on the appropriate line in the list of prompts.
Once the correct prompt is showing click record to start recording and stop to stop recording. There is nothing else to do. The recording is automatically saved and then
displayed as an icon at the start of the line in the prompt list.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^24
Playing back a recordingPlaying back a recordingPlaying back a recordingPlaying back a recording
Recordings can be reviewed by clicking on the icon next to the prompt to load
that recording. The icon turns white to indicate that it is selected. The recording
can then be played by clicking the play button.
Playing back more slowlyPlaying back more slowlyPlaying back more slowlyPlaying back more slowly
Click the button once to change the icon to and set playback speed to half.
Click a second time to change the icon to and set playback speed to a quarter. Click
a third time to reset back to normal playback speed (icon resets to ).
After setting the playback speed simply click the play button to play back at the selected speed.
NB. Start with the first prompt in the list and the application will
automatically move on to the next prompt after stopping the
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^25
Using the live feedback display (freezing)Using the live feedback display (freezing)Using the live feedback display (freezing)Using the live feedback display (freezing) When a client is loaded and if the ultrasound hardware is connected then the ultrasound
display will show a live image when the probe is in position. The live button will be light grey to indicate the display image is live. If the ultrasound is disconnected then the image should appear shortly after connecting.
To freeze the image, click the freeze button. The button will turn light grey and a freeze symbol will appear at the top left corner of the ultrasound image.
Click the freeze button to unfreeze the display.
If a recording is loaded, the display will not respond to the probe and the live image button
will be black rather than light grey. To return to a live image display simply click the Live button.
PlayingPlayingPlayingPlaying a reward animationa reward animationa reward animationa reward animation
Click the reward button to start playing an animated gif on top of the ultrasound display.
NB. It is OK to connect the system or change probes while SonoSpeech
is running.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^26
Click the reward button to stop playing the animated gif
A random gif is played each time.
A number of animated gifs with transparent backgrounds are stored in the C:\SonoSpeech\GIFS\ folder. Gifs in this folder can be deleted or new transparent animated gifs can be added by the clinician as judged appropriate.
Viewing tongue contourViewing tongue contourViewing tongue contourViewing tongue contour By default the display will look like this (markers optional).
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^27
The first time you click on the a message will warn you that the models are about to load. Click OK
A progress bar will then appear.
The tongue contour will then appear superimposed on the ultrasound image.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^28
Click the button to show only the tongue contour without the ultrasound
Click the button a third time to revert to only the ultrasound image.
Creating a palate trace automaticallyCreating a palate trace automaticallyCreating a palate trace automaticallyCreating a palate trace automatically
To add or delete markers and palate traces, click the marker editor button. The marker editor dialogue will appear as a strip across the top of the ultrasound display.
Click the palate button in the marker dialogue to add a palate.
- Click the button to start creating a palate outline automatically. You can do this with live ultrasound input or from one or more recordings or both.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^29
- Ask the client to say one or more sentences containing phonemes which utilise the maximum amount of articulatory working space. For example: “Three young girls wore wool coats and boots in the car”
“Gavin is going to be a king when he gets older”
“The wizard is waving a golden wand made of wood”
“ Olga can see a ball of wool on the kitchen table.”
The posterior region will gradually increase as the client moves their tongue. It is
important to get them to say a range of sounds including close-front and open-
back vowels; alveolar, palatal and velar consonants; and perhaps a dark l as in ‘ball’.
The green line is the automatic palate trace. It works by finding the upper edge of
the black region.
Tip: You can draw white pixels by clicking and dragging on the display. You can draw black pixels by holding down the key while clicking and dragging on the display.
- When you are happy with the green palate trace, save the palate trace by clicking
- To hide the automatic palate trace, click the button.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^30
The button shows a moving estimate of the tongue contour as well as the
palate. This should be ignored as it is superseded by the new tongue estimation option.
The above image with the green palate trace shows the tongue body raised for a velar consonant.
CCCCreating a palate trace manuallyreating a palate trace manuallyreating a palate trace manuallyreating a palate trace manually
Click the button to add a palate that can be moved and adjusted manually.
Click and drag the ends and the middle of the palate curve in order to change the shape.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^31
Right-click and drag to move the palate without changing the shape. Tap and hold then drag on a touch screen.
Change Change Change Change ppppalate or marker colouralate or marker colouralate or marker colouralate or marker colour To change the colour of a palate or marker, select the palate or marker and then click on the colour chart.
Creating a markerCreating a markerCreating a markerCreating a marker
Click the add marker button in the marker dialogue to add a marker symbol.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^32
Click and drag to move the marker to the desired location.
To change symbol, select the marker and click on the desired symbol in the marker dialogue.
The circle symbol (first symbol in dialogue) is special. The radius of the circle can be changed. Click and drag the edge of the circle to change the radius and move it.
Selecting a palate or markerSelecting a palate or markerSelecting a palate or markerSelecting a palate or marker To select a marker to change its colour or symbol, click on it first then change the colour or symbol.
Deleting a palate or markerDeleting a palate or markerDeleting a palate or markerDeleting a palate or marker
To delete a palate or marker, select it and click the delete button in the edit markers dialogue.
Saving a palate or markerSaving a palate or markerSaving a palate or markerSaving a palate or marker (= closing the editor)(= closing the editor)(= closing the editor)(= closing the editor)
Click the marker editor button to close the dialogue and save the changes.
NB. A unique set of markers is saved for each client.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^33
Cancelling (undoing) changes to palate or markers Cancelling (undoing) changes to palate or markers Cancelling (undoing) changes to palate or markers Cancelling (undoing) changes to palate or markers While in the editor it is possible to cancel all of the changes made during the current edit
(i.e. before closing the editor). To cancel click the undo button.
Hiding/showing markersHiding/showing markersHiding/showing markersHiding/showing markers
Click the marker hide button below the ultrasound display to hide the palate and
markers. Click the marker show button to show the palate and markers.
Show/hide the exemplar windowShow/hide the exemplar windowShow/hide the exemplar windowShow/hide the exemplar window Exemplars are models of target articulations produced by typically developing children or correct attempts previously recorded from a client. The exemplar window can be shown
and hidden using the exemplar button on the right side of the application. The exemplar window has two parts:
- A window for playing videos of typical productions.
- Or snapshots of best attempts by the current client.
NB. If the hide/show button looks like this then the markers
are active and if no markers are visible it is because they have not been
created for that client.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^34
Loading Loading Loading Loading and playing and playing and playing and playing an exemplar videoan exemplar videoan exemplar videoan exemplar video
Click the button to select a video from the selection of typical speech videos.
Exemplar videos are stored in the C:\SonoSpeech\Videos\ folder. New exemplar videos can be added there.
Select the desired exemplar video and click.
The selected video will appear in the window.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^35
Click the play button to play
Click the pause button to pause.
Click the rewind button to rewind to start of video.
Use the option to automatically play up to 4 times with one click of the play button.
Loading Loading Loading Loading an exemplar image an exemplar image an exemplar image an exemplar image snapshotsnapshotsnapshotsnapshot from the current clientfrom the current clientfrom the current clientfrom the current client
Click the button to select one of the snapshots previously saved for this client.
This loads a previously saved image into the exemplar window. See Copy/Save Image section below for how to save an ultrasound image snapshot.
If no snapshots have been saved for the current client then the message
will appear. See Copy/Save Image section below for how to save an ultrasound image snapshot of the current client.
NB. With short exemplar videos it is usually only necessary to use the
play button.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^36
Copy/save an ultrasound snapshotCopy/save an ultrasound snapshotCopy/save an ultrasound snapshotCopy/save an ultrasound snapshot
Click the button to copy the ultrasound image from the display to the clipboard.
Note: It is not necessary to freeze the display.
Note: An image can be copied from the live input or from a recording.
Note: If an overlay marker or palate is visible in the live display then it will be represented in the snapshot.
A dialogue will appear when you click the Copy/Save button.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^37
The dialogue shows the image that has been copied to the clipboard.
Click to exit the dialogue without saving. After exiting, the image is still in the clipboard and can be pasted into a word document for printing and giving to clients.
Click to save the image. It will be saved in the folder of the current client. It will be given a name indicating the time and date on which it was captured and with an identifying text indicating the segment. E.g.
This snapshot can then be loaded as an exemplar. See previous section “ Loading an
Show/hide the spectrogram windowShow/hide the spectrogram windowShow/hide the spectrogram windowShow/hide the spectrogram window
The spectrogram window can be shown and hidden using the spectrogram button on the right side of the application. The spectrogram window has one main function:
- Find and select part of a recording (e.g. a single word from a set of 4) so that it can be saved as a client’s best attempt.
Selecting a region of the recordingSelecting a region of the recordingSelecting a region of the recordingSelecting a region of the recording
- A spectrogram
- A zoom bar
- A selection box
- A spectrum
- A greyscale adjuster
Zoom bar Greyscale adjuster
Selecting box
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^38
Double-click on the spectrogram at the startpoint of the region to be selected and drag horizontally to the endpoint. This will create a red rectangle defining the selected region.
Click the play button to listen to the selected region.
Zooming in Zooming in Zooming in Zooming in Select a region then double-click on the zoombar above the selected region.
Cursors on the zoombar will move to indicate the zoomed region and the spectrogram will show only the zoomed region.
Tip. Select a wider region that should contain the word. Then zoom in
to make it easier to select the word more accurately.
and drag
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^39
It is also possible to click and drag each cursor to adjust the zoomed region.
Show the settings buttonsShow the settings buttonsShow the settings buttonsShow the settings buttons
Click the Extra button at the bottom right of the application to reveal an extra set of buttons. Click again to hide the extra buttons. The extra buttons are:
Set Set Set Set ultrasound brightness and contrastultrasound brightness and contrastultrasound brightness and contrastultrasound brightness and contrast
Click on the ultrasound settings button.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^40
Use sliders to control brightness and contrast.
Brightness is typically set between ½ and full scale. This controls the ultrasound gain.
Contrast is typically set between ½ and ¾ full scale. This controls the ultrasound dynamic range
Speed is typically set to 0 or 1/3. It controls the line density. Position 0= 81fps position 1 = 40fps position 2 = 20fps.
Change ultrasound depth and Change ultrasound depth and Change ultrasound depth and Change ultrasound depth and field of viewfield of viewfield of viewfield of view
Click the depth button to show the depth and field of view dialogue.
Field of view narrows or widens the angular extent of the image.
Depth alters the maximum displayed depth
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^41
Synchronise the audio and ultrasoundSynchronise the audio and ultrasoundSynchronise the audio and ultrasoundSynchronise the audio and ultrasound
Click the button to alter the timing between the speech audio and the ultrasound.
The above dialogue appears. Every laptop soundcard may have a different lag time between the microphone signal going in and the sound being digitised and stored on the computer. So this value should be set to the correct value for your soundcard so that the ultrasound and the audio are aligned properly. The lag can be zero but is more typically in the range 40-140ms.
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^42
The Shift setting will only affect new recordings. Previously made recordings will not be affected.
Speckle ReductionSpeckle ReductionSpeckle ReductionSpeckle Reduction
This gives the ultrasound image a smoother appearance. If recordings are made with this setting on then the recordings will also have this smoothed appearance and it cannot be removed.
Advanced settingsAdvanced settingsAdvanced settingsAdvanced settings
There is no need to change the advanced settings.
General General General General settingssettingssettingssettings
There is no need to change the general settings.
Audio settingsAudio settingsAudio settingsAudio settings
There is no need to change the audio settings.
Question: I am clicking on the record button and nothing happens.
Answer: Make sure you have clicked on one of the prompts in the promptlist to select it.
e.g. click on the line that says “This is a sentence”
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^43
Question: How do I view and playback a recording?
Click on one of the small images next to a prompt in the promptlist. It
should turn into a white-filled symbol to indicate that the recording is
loaded. The click the button to playback.
Question: The image is really dark and I can’t make out the tongue shape.
Firstly always ensure there is some gel on the probe. You don’t need a huge
amount. Secondly it is possible to use the “brightness and contrast” controls to
make the image clearer. See section on page 34. See how the image looks before
and after adjusting the brightness/contrast below.
Question: I can’t hear anything/no audio
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^44
Audio should play through the default laptop speakers when you click the play
button. If you can’t hear anything, firstly ensure you have a recording selected (see
section “ Playing back a recording ”). If the ultrasound plays butthere is no sound
when you click the button then check that the laptop playback volume is
set to a reasonable level and not muted. To do this, click on the speaker symbol in
the Windows taskbar. This can
usually be found in the bottom right corner of your screen. If you still cannot hear
anything, make sure that audio was recorded at the time of recording. To check
this, open the spectrogram window with the button and verify that the
spectrogram contains speech-like features. (See section “The spectrogram
window” to see an example of what speech should look like.
Question: I am getting “Range check error” / “access violation error”. What do these errors mean?
Answer: These are errors that arise due to a fault in the software that the software developer has not predicted. Please take note of the last thing you tried to do before the error appeared and contact Articulate Innstruments to report the fault.
Question: I have started running SonoSpeech but I see no ultrasound image at all.
Make sure the USB cable from the ultrasound is fully plugged-in at both
ends. Make sure that the probe connector is firmly connected to the ultrasound
scanner. If no image appears after these checks are complete and this is the first
time you have tried to run SonoSpeech, try running the EchoWave II software. You
will find this inn the Windows start menu unde the Telemed folder
If when running the Echowave II software it does not show a live ultrasound
displlay either then it is likely that the drivers have not been installed properly. The
drivers should have been innstalled during the SonoSpeech installation process.
Run the Sonospeech installation again and make sure the checkbox “Select to
install EchoB or SonoSpeech drivers” is checked. You may need assistance from
Copyright 2003-2022 Articulate Instruments Ltd^45
your IT department if you are having trouble instalinng the drivers. Special user
permissions may be required.
If Echowave II shows a live ultrasound image then close that application and run
SonoSpeech again to see if the image appears. If not, then contact Articulate
Client Window
Edit Client .......................................... 15
New client... ....................................... 14
Installing SonoSpeech ........................ 5
License code ................................. 9, 1 0
Client details ...................................... 17
Recordings ......................................... 20