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how to deploy and execute processes

Sri Harsha Boda edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 1 revision

How to Deploy Process in your hadoop environment

After making entries into metadata related to your process, you have to deploy this process in your hadoop environment.

Steps to deploy your process

  1. Click deploy button on process page corresponding to the process you want to deploy. ( Deploy button will show status regarding deployment of process, when you hover over the button.)
  2. You have to copy file and file from application repositories and put properties file in same directory from where you are running .sh file. .You have to provide executable permissions to every shell script.
  3. You have to edit Set all properties based on your environment.
  4. In jack repository get and update it there according to your environment.
  5. Process Deploy main class calls deploy script based on type of container process. For Example for process type 1 it will call script.
  6. You have to specify path of your script in md-config.xml file under your environment within in deploy and script-path tags upto file name "process-type-".( If you don't have any environment created according to your local system just create same name as in mybatis-config.xml and copy entries from any other environment and edit it according to your local environment). should be in same directory from where you are running these scripts. You have to provide executable permissions to every shell script.
  7. You have to setup a crontab in your environment. Crontab will run script. for example */5 * * * * /home/cloudera/
  8. After the deployment is complete and in UI the status for the process is deployed, you have to execute.
  9. Download and Update and according to your environment.
  10. Update hostname varible in
  11. Update pathForFlumeng,pathForFlumeconf,pathForFlumeconfFile variables in
  12. To store logs for execution, you have to create log directory as mentioned in your md-config.xml. create directory and give permission for every user to write into it.
  13. Also update path in md-config.xml under execute and then oozie-script-path tags for And under execute then standalone-script-path for
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