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BDRE development VM setup

Sri Harsha Boda edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 1 revision

Before setting up your development VM we strongly recommend that you clone, build and run BDRE UI. Though one can automate the whole thing using a single script but due to lack of maturity of the scripts, please issue and review each and every step. BDRE developer VM needs atleast 8GB of RAM installed in your host machine.

Software it installs

These scripts are intended to install and configure everything required for BDRE. Following is the list of software it would currently install in the base VM.

  • Hadoop Yarn, HDFS, Hive, Oozie, Hue (It's the open source Hadoop downloaded from HortonWorks repo)
  • Maven
  • Git 1.9
  • Oracle JDK7
  • Tomcat 6
  • Jenkins
  • MySQL 5.6


  • Install Required Softwarefor building the VM.
  • Clone the Jack repo in your local machine
  • cd to 'installer' and edit '' tp point to your CentOS box image in your local hard drive.
  • = "/Users/arijit/Downloads/"
  • Perform a vagrant up and wait for the base CentOS VM to start.
  • From your host machine ssh to [email protected]. Password is vagrant.
  • Make sure your VM is connected to the internet. If working from Wipro office, please setup Linux commandline proxy. For Wipro proxy details see this. For information about how to setup commandline proxy in Linux read this.
  • Test your internet connectivity using yum install dos2unix
  • ‼️ Before proceeding further - become root using
  • sudo su
  • As root cd to 'installer' (in /home/vagrant) and edit installer.conf to update several parameters
#OS Level
export BDRE_LINUX_USER_NAME=bdreusr

#Jenkins level(currently unused)
export BDRE_JENKINS_ADMIN_USER_PASS=somepassword
#Git. change below and use your own git credentials
export BDRE_GIT_USER_NAME=bdrejohn
export BDRE_GIT_USER_PASSWORD=mypassword
export BDRE_GIT_BRANCH=develop
  • Then perform a chmod +x *.sh
  • Run the (starting from files manually one by one in order(very important) like below
  • In case the scripts does not work due to CRLF problems try
dos2unix *.sh

Basic Vagrant commands

  • To start the VM do a vagrant up
  • To stop the VM do a vagrant halt
  • To destroy the VM and start afresh do a vagrant destroy
  • To recopy the files and run the bootstrap script do a vagrant provision

Application URL

@bdrekapil please a page on how create/deploy/run jobs with BDRE with screenshots.

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