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simplifying the TOMP 2.0

Edwin van den Belt edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 13 revisions


We have found out in the past few years that there are quite a few other standards out there in the (Mobility) world that are more or less related to the working field of the TOMP-API. And since our mission contains alignment as one of the key aspects, we will move towards a new version, taking other standards into account, not redoing/reinventing functionality that they have as well. This decreases the number of endpoints we have nowadays.

Secondly, we have introduced in the past versions functionality that is hardly or not used. Therefore, we want to use this page as well: we will describe here endpoints we want to drop, resulting also in a decrease of endpoints, to make it easier to understand and implement the TOMP-API.
This also applies to the postponed-commit scenario, it can be dropped.

Thirdly, some concepts are needlessly complex. We'll propose a more simple solution for them.

If you're interested, you can find the latest specification here.


On this page we'll enlist all the known endpoints of the TOMP v1.5.0. We'll write our ideas on what should happen with these endpoints in version 2.0. If you have other considerations, please report them!


Endpoint Ideas Decision
POST /planning/inquiries Drop it
POST /planning/offers Make it Transmodel compliant
POST /offers
POST /bookings/one-stop Make it Transmodel compliant
POST /bookings/one-stop
POST /bookings Make it Transmodel compliant
POST /bookings/{id}
POST /bookings/{id}/events Make it Transmodel compliant
POST /bookings/{id}/operations/{operation}
GET /bookings/{id} * Make it Transmodel compliant
* Add reporting functionality (event log, progress, notifications, ...)
GET /bookings/{id}

Trip execution

Endpoint Ideas Decision
All trip execution endpoints Add /bookings/{id}/ in front of them to refer to a leg in a booking
GET /legs/{id}/available-assets * Make it Transmodel compliant
* make it also usable for seat reservation
GET /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/available-assets
GET /legs/{id} Incorporate it in /bookings/{id}/ OR
maybe not. It contains possible HATEOAS links for each leg. In the booking it doesn't
PUT /legs/{id} Drop it. Altering a leg should be done using the /legs/{id}/events endpoint
POST /legs/{id}/ancillaries/{category}/{number} * Make it Transmodel compliant OR
* migrate it to the /legs/{id}/events endpoint
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/operations/ADD_ANCILLARY
DELETE /legs/{id}/ancillaries/{category}/{number} * Make it Transmodel compliant OR
* migrate it to the /legs/{id}/events endpoint
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/operations/REMOVE_ANCILLARY
POST /legs/{id}/events Make it Transmodel compliant
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/operations/{operation}
GET /legs/{id}/progress Integrate it into the GET /bookings/{id}
POST /legs/{id}/progress Drop it
POST /legs/{id}/confirmation * Drop it OR
* migrate it to the /legs/{id}/events endpoint
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/operations/CONFIRM_REPLACE_ASSET
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/operations/CONFIRM_START_LEG

Operator information

Endpoint Ideas Decision
Almost every operator information endpoints should be dropped, start using external standards
GET /operator/ping Maintain as is
GET /discovery
GET /operator/meta Make it Transmodel compliant
GET /ping
others drop


Endpoint Ideas Decision
POST /support Make it Transmodel compliant
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/support
GET /support/{id}/status Make it Transmodel compliant
GET /bookings/{id}/legs/{lid}/support


Endpoint Ideas Decision
GET /payment/journal-entry Make it Transmodel compliant
GET /journal-entries
POST /payment/{id}/claim-extra-costs migrate it to /legs/{id}/events
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{id}/operations/CLAIM_COSTS


Endpoint Ideas Decision
GET /bookings/{id}/notifications merge it into the GET /bookings/{id}
POST /bookings/{id}/notifications merge it into the POST /legs/{id}/events
POST /bookings/{id}/legs/{id}/operations/NOTIFY

Simplifying Concepts

We should consider renaming all concepts to Transmodel equivalents. If there are multiple candidates, we must make change proposals for Transmodel (to adopt our concept).

In general

In general, we should consider adding HATEOAS links, that will allow us to see in a response what the possible next steps are. For instance, when you call POST /bookings/, the result will be a booking and a set of operations (COMMIT, CANCEL) and how to call them.

Concept Ideas Decision
Booking Represents in most cases only 1 leg. Merge LEG and BOOKING, with an option for additional LEGs.
Booking Drop the functionality of multiple legs in one booking, it will simplify the endpoints a lot!!
AssetProperties+Asset Merging both concepts, so you don't have an additional field 'sharedProperties'.
Conditions Additional conditions will be replacing some fields from the assetProperties
BookingRequest Allow multiple 'previousLegs' instead of just the previous one
Error Allow multiple errors in the results
AssetType will be a reference to an external data source
Station will be a reference to an external data source (it already was, made it explicit)
Stop will be a reference to an external data source (it already was, made it explicit)
Region will be a reference to an external data source
Requirement will be a reference to an external data source (it already was, made it explicit)
Asset will remain as a concept, but can be supported/extended using an external data source
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