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How do I implement a bike operator

eborremans edited this page Apr 5, 2022 · 7 revisions

home > Modalities > Bike

Q: How to implement a Bike operator?
A: There are several specific scenarios in the TOMP API for bike operators. I'll list them per module:

  • There are several ways to plan a bike. The most common one is "I've got a map, click on a bike and book it" (Click and travel).
  • Another one is a 'bluetooth swipe', where you can find bikes in the area and book one of them (Bluetooth swipe).
  • A thirth option is the booking of a bike in the future (part of a longer trip). (Future usage)

Click and travel
Operator information

  • Use the /operator/available-assets to retrieve all assets per operator and show them on a map. Whenever an user clicks on a bike, you can show the properties of that bike.


  • If the user wants to book it, he can click on it, this fires a /planning-options/, fill in the planning-check the property "useAssets" with the id of the asset from the bluetooth device. Don't forget to set the property "provideIds" to true.
  • the TO has to return only this asset as planning option (of course, it might be several times in the results, for several reasons, like with/without insurance etc).


  • normal way, no specific items

Trip execution

  • Firing /legs/{id}/event with "event": "PREPARE" can result in a leg object with in the field "assetAccessData" necessary data to open a bluetooth lock.
  • After the lock is openend, the /legs/{id}/events with "event": "SET_IN_USE" should be fired.
  • During the usage of the bike, a sequence of events like "PAUSE", "SET_IN_USE", "PAUSE", "SET_IN_USE" can be executed.
  • At the end a /legs/{id}/event {"event": "FINISH", "time": 3423423423, "asset": { ... , "place": { "coordinate": { "lng": ..., "lat": ... } } } } can be fired after locking the bike.

Bluetooth swipe

  • This scenario looks a lot like the 'Click and travel', only the operator information isn't needed for this one. After a bluetooth swipe all found bluetooth devices can be put in the planning-check, in the property 'useAssets'.
  • The TO can deliver all assets that are his (bluetooth id check). Of course only the assets that are available. The rest of the booking/trip execution is similar to the Click and travel

Bike in the future

  • You can book a bike like a normal asset, but it's very likely you'll have a lot of similar bikes. In that case you can offer assetTypes in the planning phase.
  • In case a request comes in for multiple persons, you'll have to return every asset type for each person (with different ids), so the MP can book a specific assetType for each person.

Trip execution

  • Before starting the trip you can assign a specific asset to a leg (assign_asset). This counts like a reservation of the bike.
  • This assignment should automatically be done when preparing a bike (request of token) or set_in_use.

You have to implement these endpoints:

  • GET /operator/meta
  • GET /operator/available-assets (click and travel: provide assets, the other ones: provide only assetTypes)
  • GET /operator/stations
  • GET /operator/alerts
  • GET /operator/operating-calendar
  • GET /operator/operating-hours
  • GET /operator/information
  • GET /operator/pricing-plans
  • GET /operator/regions
  • POST /plannings
  • POST /bookings
  • GET /payment/journal-entry

Process identifiers to use in the meta endpoint:

  • Planning: ASSET_BASED (with one of the accompanied process identifiers), ATOMIC_PLANNING_AND_BOOKING (click and travel)
  • Trip execution: LOCK_UNLOCK_REMOTELY (online operated locks) or LOCK_UNLOCK_APP (with one of the accompanied process identifiers)
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