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Upgrade beta3 to v1 0

Niels Korschinsky edited this page Aug 26, 2021 · 1 revision

SPPMon v1.0 Release

This page contains any steps required for upgrading from Beta0.3+ versions to the v1.0 release. These pieces of information are not a complete changelog, but rather important changes every user has to take when upgrading.

Check out the complete changelog here

Important: Please change any passwords if you copy-pasted them from the older install instructions. Informations on how to change InfluxDB-Passwords can be found here and about Grafana-Users here.

InfluxDB breaking changes

  • renamed user grafanaReader to GrafanaReader:
    It is required to drop the old user and insert the new GrafanaReader.

    1. Login into the InfluxDB as described on the change password page and drop grafanaReader.
    2. Re-create GrafanaReader while logged in by using the command CREATE USER GrafanaReader WITH PASSWORD 'NOT_A_SAFE_PASSWORD'

      You have to change the password within the string before.

    3. Use SHOW USERS to check if it's created successfully.
  • removed unused user sppmonInfluxUser:
    Follow the instructions on the change password page to drop this user.


  • Grafanas install instructions now contain an SSL-Setup. Please migrate to secure HTTPS-Communication.

  • A drop of all old dashboards and re-import of the new dashboards are required.
    Please follow the new import instructions within the wiki.

  • Alerting includes now meaningful messages. Consider setting up an alert notification channel via mail or Slack


  • Due to a typo within the config file, every old config file needs to be adjusted.
    Please change within the sppServer-section the key jobLog_rentation to jobLog_retention.\

    Support for the typo will drop in v1.1. SPPMon will stop working afterward.

  • Argument --test introduced, test the config file for functionality before a real exection

  • Office365 Backuped data is no longer collected due to reducing the JobLog-Types requested from the SPP-Server.
    To gain complete Office365 statistics, use --fullLogs argument on any --daily and --all SPPMon execution.

  • The argument --minimumLogs is deprecated and is replaced with --loadedSystem.\

    Support for the old argument will drop in v1.1. SPPMon will stop working afterward.

  • The argument --processStats is deprecated and merged into --ssh.

  • The argument --transfer_data is replaced by --copy_database

    • removed --old_database, integrated into --copy_database config file.

InfluxDB Table changes (non-breaking)

  • slaStats: Removed tag slaId.
    This tag is unused. Therefore is this a non-breaking change.

  • processStats: Removed two fields and three tags due to the change from top to ps command.

  • vmReplicateSummary: Removed tag messageId

  • vmReplicateStats: Removed tag messageId

  • df_ssh: Renamed field avai to available

  • vadps: Moved 3 tags to fields, adjusting CQ to run on distinct ID's

  • jobLogs: Rename of fields/tags, adding field jobExecutionTime

  • office365stats: Added field office365transfBytes (note --fullLogs requirement!)

  • sppmon_metrics: Added tag influxdb_version and new arguments

  • jobs: Added new fields numTasks, percent and tag indexStatus

  • jobs_statistics: New measurement

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