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Skip installation steps

Niels Korschinsky edited this page Sep 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

Skip installation steps

If you already have an InfluxDB or Grafana installation running or set up via manual install, you might want to skip these steps in the install script. To do so, you can skip any installation step by modifying the .savefile.txt file.

Please note that any changes are experimental, and skipping steps is untested. You are only able to skip whole sections, not individual commands. This is not required for any regular installation.

  1. Execute the install script until the savepoint of the section to skip is reached.

    ## Safepoint: If needed, the installation can be exited for later restart ##
    Continue with InfluxDB installation and setup? (Yes/no) [Yes]
  2. Instead of continuing, please abort the install script by typing no.

  3. Make sure your terminal is in the folder spectrum-protect-sppmon

  4. Modify the savefile by using echo "SAVEPOINT" > ./scripts/installScript/.savefile.txt
    Replace the term SAVEPOINT by one of the following savepoints:

    • PYTHON_SETUP - Python3 installation and package requirements
    • INFLUX_SETUP - InfluxDB installation and setup
    • GRAFANA_SETUP Grafana installation
    • CONFIG_FILE - Creation of a monitoring file for each SPP server
    • CRONTAB - Crontab configuration for automatic execution.
  5. Start the install script again and confirm to continue from the last save point.

Skip Firewall Setup

In case you do not have a firewall set up, you comment out the associated lines to stop the script from failing due to a missing firewall. There are a total of 4 lines within two sets you have to comment out. Do so by prepending a # sign to the line of code.

File: spectrum-protect-sppmon/scripts/installScript/ Line 39-40:

checkReturn sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=3000/tcp --permanent
checkReturn sudo firewall-cmd --reload


File: spectrum-protect-sppmon/scripts/installScript/ Line 190-191:

checkReturn sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=${influxPort}/tcp --permanent
checkReturn sudo firewall-cmd --reload

To continue the install process after failing due to the firewall, just execute the install script again. When prompted, continue from the last save point.

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