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SPPCheck Command line Overview

Niels Korschinsky edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 4 revisions


Predicting and verifying system requirements for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. It uses the data collected from SPPMon to provide reports of the system's past, current, and future state. Reports are available dynamically as visualization dashboards via Grafana and as a static Manager Report via PDF. SPPCheck queries the historical data from SPPMons InfluxDB database and re-saved into it.


SPPCheck not be executed regularly, but when a statement about the systems state is wanted. It can be invoked with all arguments at once or only individual functionalities. However, for the PDF generation to function, all other functionalities must be executed at least once. Please note that must be called instead of the regular file.

The Blueprint Sizer Excel Sheets can be found on IBM's offical support page

All features

/usr/bin/python3.10 /home/USERNAME/spectrum-protect-sppmon/python/ \
    --cfg=/home/USERNAME/spectrum-protect-sppmon/sppserver1.conf \
    --sizerVersion=v1.9 \
    --sheet=/home/USERNAME/sizer_sheet.xlsb \

Only PDF generation

/usr/bin/python3.10 /home/USERNAME/spectrum-protect-sppmon/python/ \
    --cfg=/home/USERNAME/spectrum-protect-sppmon/sppserver1.conf \

Main arguments

  • -h, --help: show this help message and exit
  • -v, --version: show the program's version number and exit
  • --cfg CONFIGFILE: REQUIRED: specify the JSON configuration file
  • --startDate DATE: REQUIRED: Start date of the system in format "YYYY-MM-DD", e.g. startDate=2019-01-29

Blueprint Sizer Sheet parsing execution arguments

  • --sheet PATH: Path to filled sizing sheet including file name, parsing the contents into the InfluxDB. Requires args: --sizerVersion
  • --sizerVersion STRING: Specify the version of the vSnap sizer sheet, e.g v1.0 or v2.1.1

Prediction and Data generation execution arguments

  • --predictYears NUMBER: Predict the development for the next x years
  • --pdfReport: Create a new PDF report based on the prediction
  • --genFakeData: Generate fake data. Automatically uses the fake data for all other arguments.

(Optional) additional Prediction and Data generation execution arguments

  • --latestData: Create predictions, reports, and fake data using only the latest 90 day data, but at a higher frequency(<6h)
  • --theme STRING: Chose the theme of the PDF report. Options: 'light' (default), 'dark', or 'sppcheck'
  • --fakeData: Use existing fake data to create any reports.

For feature requests or bug reports please visit

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