version 1.2.3
What's Changed
Bugfix (science changes):
- Fixed Diffusive wave downstream boundary condition by @nmizukami in #303
- Fixed default value for newFileFrequency by @nmizukami in #325
- Upstream reach detection using goodBas (upstream reach connected with valid hru area) by @nmizukami in #346
- detect maximum unit-hydrograph size for restart writing by @nmizukami in #341
- Flow adjustment to ensure river volume is always positive or zero by @nmizukami in #348
New features:
- csv reading capability with new csv object by @nmizukami in #295
- reading water take and observed flow by @nmizukami in #298, #305
- capability of water abstraction/injection during routing by @nmizukami in #300
- Add reach volume in restart state file and history file (for all the routing methods) by @nmizukami in #299, @nmizukami in #347
- Separate runoff input time step and simulation time step by @nmizukami in #340
- Direct insertion of observed discharge at gauge points for user specified period by @nmizukami in #328, #302, @nmizukami in #348, #354, @nmizukami in #357,
- Added reach volume for history and restart files by @nmizukami in #347
Minor updates (cleanup, doc updates, non-science etc.):
- README for building instruction by @nmizukami in #350
- minor update: readthedoc link update by @nmizukami in #294
- Code style, variable name cleanup by @nmizukami in #304 #342
- including git information (version, branch, hash) in history file global attributes @nmizukami in #351
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3