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Releases: ESCOMP/mizuRoute


16 Nov 14:24
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Answer changes from the previous tag

Floodplain option

new control variable is <floodplain> = T or F

Floodplain is represented with very gentle slope (default 1:1000), extending from the top of side wall of the channel. The channel uses a bankfull depth. Currently bankfull depth is computed based on upstream area for each reach. This default method may change in the future. A user is encouraged to come up with the way to estimate the bankfull depth (and width) outside mizuRoute.

Regardless of whether floodplain is on or off, the method to compute celerity, diffusivity use the section 3.3 in Beg M et al., 2022. This is primary cause of the answer change from the previous version, which use the assumption of "wide" rectangular channel width, that simplifies the flow area computation. Also, from the current version, the channel geometry type can be rectangular (default) or trapezoidal (by providing side wall slope as input parameter).

What's Changed

allow a generic name when using only one routing method

  • implement generic output name for routing method specific variables by @nmizukami in #482

Update external handling

For CESM coupling

  • Adding datetime in rpointer file with backward compatibility by @nmizukami in #486

routing with floodplain


New Contributors

Full Changelog: cesm-coupling.n02_v2.1.4-standalone...cesm-coupling.n03_v2.2.0


13 Sep 15:59
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No answer changes from the previous tag

A few enhancements were included

  • User can specify minimum reach length for routing. For reach below this threshold, inflow is passed as outflow and lateral flow is added to that as normal.
  • User can input lateral flow at the top of reach ONLY for headwater catchments as a option, so that reach routing happens.
  • User can control History file time stamp can be control by specify where in the time step is used (0: start of time step, 86400: end of time step if time step is daily)
  • User can specify time step convention in runoff (for now, start or end)
  • runoff input specification in control file uses just file name with wild card (if multiple the netCDFs exist).
  • Hanasaki (H06) reservoir scheme is enable

What's Changed


  • Enabling reach routing at headwater HRUs by @nmizukami in #467
  • Pass through option and river length check by @nmizukami in #472
  • history file time stamp flexibility by @nmizukami in #475
  • Change in stand-alone runoff (and water management) input specification in control file by @nmizukami in #479

**Enabling Hanasaki reservoir **

  • write lake parameters only for a lake id specified in control file in a log file by @nmizukami in #477
  • H06 default parameters renamed by @nmizukami in #478


Full Changelog: cesm-coupling.n02_v2.1.3...cesm-coupling.n02_v2.1.4-standalone


17 May 02:07
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No answer changes from the previous tag

A few enhancements were included

  • hru id in vector runoff input can be long integer.
  • inflow for each reach can be output in history file
  • For cesm-coupling, the other routing methods can be used, in addition to IRF routing.

What's Changed

makefile cleanup


  • PIO sync for potentially better robustness for gnu/cray-mpich and a few cleanups by @nmizukami in #453

New functions

  • Adding parameterized floodplain by @nmizukami in #449 - floodplain effect is not implemented yet
  • Allow long integer HRU id for vector runoff input by @nmizukami in #457
  • Allow more flexible time stamp in forcing input (start, end or middle of time step) by @nmizukami in #460 - require it to be specified in control file
  • Add upstream inflow in history output by @nmizukami in #462 - require it to be specified in control file


Full Changelog: cesm-coupling.n02_v2.1.2...cesm-coupling.n02_v2.1.3


12 Nov 14:51
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What's Changed

Model physics

  • capacity to scale or offset the inputs (runoff, evaporation, and precipitation) by @ShervanGharari in #412
  • connect lake module to the other routing methods by @nmizukami in #421
  • connect lake module to kwt routing routine by @nmizukami in #427
  • Adding a few channel properties and water take option for other routing by @nmizukami in #428
  • Enable to run at user specified routing time step rather than using coupling_frequency by @nmizukami in #429
  • IRF water take by @nmizukami in #430


  • Fix a restart issue for a single core by @nmizukami in #415
  • set runoff depth unit correctly in meta by @nmizukami in #422
  • Fix error in writing history_file variable for gauge-only history file in restart file by @nmizukami in #423
  • Fixed upstream reach detection for cesm-coupling branch by @nmizukami in #441

Miscellaneous improvement

  • Refactoring related to PIO decomposition initialization by @nmizukami in #431


Library updates

Full Changelog: cesm-coupling.n01_v2.1.0...cesm-coupling.n02_v2.1.2


21 Jul 13:04
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What's Changed

CTSM coupling

  • Temporary implementation of the array to export from rof to lnd by @nmizukami in #274
  • Enabling water abstraction with Irrigation demand by @nmizukami in #288
  • exporting volume (volr) to land model and handling negative qgwl by @nmizukami in #297
  • Direct_to_outlet option for negative flow handling by @nmizukami in #313, #315
  • Add a custom grid option for cesm-coupling by @ekluzek in #345
  • Add HDMA lake ntopo file settings by @ekluzek in #329
  • Add more lake options to the cesm-coupling control file by @ekluzek in #335
  • Updates on sample control file for cesm-coupling by @nmizukami in #312

CESM system testing

  • CTSM-mizuRoute test config update by @nmizukami in #258
  • Fix rpointer file IO by @nmizukami in #269
  • Add some lake tests to the test list update lake dataset and fix some coupled issues by @ekluzek in #371
  • Some fixes so can run on izumi (including nag compilier) by @ekluzek in #391

Time management change

  • independent simulation time-step and forcing time-step by @nmizukami in #336
  • Including t_bound variable in a history file and resulting changes by @nmizukami in #394
  • modified datetime class and keep track of time in second (not day) for both forcing and simulation time by @nmizukami in #398, #402

Model physics

  • Doll lake formulation improvement by @ShervanGharari in #331.
  • implementation of water balance computation for reach and drainage area by @nmizukami in #318, #319, #326
  • reach/lake water balance error check and minor fix/cleanup in lake and irf routing by @nmizukami in #361
  • water can be abstracted from residual reach volume and outflow by @nmizukami in #362
  • enabling water-take and water-injection for other routing methods by @nmizukami in #311
  • default minimum discharge by @nmizukami in #321

User specified history output frequency

  • User specified history write frequency by @nmizukami in #353
  • Reading aggregated history variables from restart netcdf by @nmizukami in #364

Gauge location output capability

  • Incorporating gage meta (ascii) into output by @nmizukami in #279
  • history file name convention for gauge only output by @nmizukami in #393

Continue run capability

Run with multiple routing methods

  • Running with multiple routing schemes by @nmizukami in #264
  • Added accumRunoff as a part of routing scheme options with routOpt=0 by @nmizukami in #265
  • Enabled reach volume IO for KW, MC and DW routings from/to restart file by @nmizukami in #317

Code style, cleanup

Miscellaneous improvement

  • Add number of MPI tasks to restart file to ensure they are the same when reading by @ekluzek in #251
  • Abort if a variable in control file include TAB by @nmizukami in #314
  • Write git information in history file global attributes by @nmizukami in #363, #370



Full Changelog: cesm-coupling.n00_v2.0.1...cesm-coupling.n01_v2.1.0

version 1.2.3

30 Mar 22:25
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version 1.2.3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Bugfix (science changes):

  • Fixed Diffusive wave downstream boundary condition by @nmizukami in #303
  • Fixed default value for newFileFrequency by @nmizukami in #325
  • Upstream reach detection using goodBas (upstream reach connected with valid hru area) by @nmizukami in #346
  • detect maximum unit-hydrograph size for restart writing by @nmizukami in #341
  • Flow adjustment to ensure river volume is always positive or zero by @nmizukami in #348

New features:

Minor updates (cleanup, doc updates, non-science etc.):

Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3


17 Jul 20:05
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What's Changed

Bugfix (science changes):

  • restart error for KWT without overland routing case by @nmizukami in #197
  • revise Gamma distribution for overland routing by @h294liu in #190

New features:

Minor updates (cleanup, doc updates, non-science etc.):

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2

Hybrid parallel, Lake module, and CTSM coupling

16 Jan 00:53
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What's Changed

Lake routine implementation

New routing methods and bugfixes

CESM coupling


style, comment changes, minor bugfixes

Time management (stand-alone)

  • Adding datetime data class and modification on state data in write_restart_pio.f90 by @nmizukami in #191
  • User-defined constructor for datatime derived type by @nmizukami in #209
  • Use datetime object throughout the codes by @nmizukami in #210
  • made input checks work for sub-daily timesteps; cleaned up error msg by @wknoben in #222


New Contributors


27 Dec 21:02
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  • Large integer is allowed for runoff HRU ID.
  • Improved netcdf I/O performance.
  • Robust mapping file handling. debug option to mapping file check.
  • Performance improvement for IRF routine/flow_accumulation routines.


  • ixPrint for on-screen debug printing is now working with format.
  • error in basin unit hydrograph routing at hourly time steps
  • error in reach unit hydrograph construction. make sure sum of unit hydrograph is one.
  • time utility routine - error in julian day computation, error in parsing time string.
  • basin unit hydrograph restart reading.

New features:

  • a simple water abstraction/injection capability for IRF and KWT routines
  • restart write options - Annual, monthly, daily, Last, Specified, and Never. timing in restart file name indicates restart timing not drop-off timing.
  • Modified control specification: added single history file output option
  • New control specification for output netcdf options (classic, 64bit_offset, netcdf4). default netcdf option: netcdf4
  • New control specification for calendar, time unit, and fillvalue in runoff netcdf
  • output file name definition - (history file) and (restart file)


  • various minor code refactoring and cleaning


04 May 21:52
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JAMES2021 Pre-release

This is snapshot of mpi version of mizuRoute code, used for publication:

Mizukami et al., 2021: A vector-based river routing model for Earth System Models: Parallelization and global applications, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.