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Luc edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 9 revisions

TatooineMesher User Documentation

The 4 command line scripts of TatooineMesher are documented in this wiki:

Click on the link above or use the sidebar to navigate to the corresponding script. These script files are located in the cli folder.

The present documentation also covers:


The scripts are available in command line only. To display the help message of a tool, use the -h argument.

Here is an example:

cd cli -h


TatooineMesher: Anisotropic interpolation from 1D cross-sections and 2D channel mesher, L. Duron, F.-X. Cierco and K. Saad, XXVIth TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2019, Toulouse (France).

Associated files can be downloaded below: