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Excel Buttons

Henrik edited this page Sep 8, 2022 · 10 revisions

excel buttons

1. Refresh Sheet

This button calls Api and reload all data on the active Spreadsheet.
If you have many functions this may take some time.

Refresh only reload Börsdata Functions.
Any other Excel functions is not reloaded.
If you have seveal Spreadsheet with Borsdata Functions, then you need to run Refresh on each Spreadsheet.

2. Refresh All

Same as previous button but this Reload ALL sheets.
This may take some time if you have a big Excel!
Please wait until all calls is ready.

3. Refresh PivotTable

This is only a extra button to easily reload data in all Pivot Tables.
(This function actually already exist in excel under PivotTable menu)

4. Settings menu


Api Key

Here you enter your Börsdata API KEY. This is saved localy on you computer.
If you dont have an API KEY you need to Apply for it on Börsdata MyPage.

Use Dynamic Array

Return data to excel as Dynamic Array or write data to each cell.
Dynamic array can only be used by lastest excel versions.

English language

Return data with English or Swedish translation.

Error logfiles

We save a new logfile for every day.
If you have error then check in last log file if you can see whats the problem.
If you cant fix the problem then email last logfile to Börsdata for support.

5. Help

Open webbrowser to Github help page