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Error help

Henrik edited this page Sep 18, 2023 · 34 revisions

Error page

Here is some common errors we found using the Excel Plugin.
Please check Latest Logfile (link in Settingsmenu) to find more details about error.

Microsoft security changes (Sinces March 2023)

MS now always block all xll files to prevent malwares.
You need to open the file property and unblock after download new versions.
blocked file

Excel Plugin installation error

Excel Plugin worked and then stopped working?

Excel have some security issues with .xll files.
Excel can unload or block .xll files if excel decide its not safe.

After each point restart Excel to check if .xll file loads ok.
Important to restart excel.

  • Add the .xll file folder to 'Trusted Locations' in Excel. (See below)

  • Check that Plugin has not been disabled.
    Go to Add-Ins list and check that "Börsdata Excel" is checked.
    (Step 7)

  • Check if File OR Folder is Locked or Write protected.
    Right click on .xll file and select 'properties'.
    If its Locked - then Excel can not load .xll file.

  • Try reinstall Excel Plugin to a new folder on your computer.

  • Try add Excelplugin to a folder Outside Dropbox or OneDrive.
    This folders is synced and changed automaticly. This can cause problems.

Make sure that Add-ins => Require ApplicationsAdd-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher is DISABLED.

Check addin disabled

Add the .xll file folder to 'Trusted Locations' in Excel.

Excel have some security issues with .xll files.
This tells excel that the .xll folder is safe to use.

  1. Excel Options (Alternativ)
  2. Securitycenter (Säkerhetscenter) -> Settings for securitycenter
  3. Trusted Locations-> Add new Location
  4. Browse.. -> Select the folder where you have the .xll files
  5. Done
  6. Now Try reinstall .xll file with Add-ons menu.

Trust Location 1 Trust Location 2 Trust Location 3

Excel shows error in Formula

  • Please check latest Logfile (link in Settingsmenu) to find more details about error.

  • Is API KEY valid? Double check APIKEY on Borsdata MyPage.

  • Can you call API? Maybe antivirus, firewall is blocking API call? Try past this into you webbrowser.
    Replace [APIKEY] with your key.
    If you get back alot of json data {"instruments":[{"insId":2,"name":"AAK", }... then API Call is OK.
    If not then you need to find what is blocking.

Excel frezze/hangs when loading API data.

This may be caused by a circular reference.
Two cells is updating and trigger API calls to loop forever.

Try check logfile and see if you find alot if API calls that is the same.
Probably there is hundreds of same calls if you have a circular reference. This repeted function is a circular reference and you need to fix this.

Now() hangs Excel?

=Now() is a versile excel function that always trigger new calulation because of the time changes.
Use =Today() function instead to only get Date (without time).

NEVER use =NOW() inside the =BD_ function. Always reference from ouside cell.

Not working = BD_STOCKPRICE(97;NOW()-10;NOW())
Working = BD_STOCKPRICE(97;B1;B2)
Move =NOW() formula to B1 and B2

ERROR - Add-ins have been disabled Or Real-time data servers have been disabled

  • Check Trusted Location

  • Make sure that Add-ins => Require ApplicationsAdd-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher is DISABLED.
    Make sure it's Not Checked.
    Check addin disabled

How to Uninstall and Completely Remove an Excel Add-in

If you getting Warning everytime you start Excel that plugin is missing.

Warning Advanced!

  1. Open Regedit

  2. Go to latest version of Excel in Registry

  • Dator\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office(LASTEST VERSION)\Excel\Options
  • Dator\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office(LASTEST VERSION)\Excel\Add-in Manager
  1. Check if there is any Data that points to Borsdata plugin path. If there is data then delete this value. (Right click -> delete)

  2. Restart Excel

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