This repository contains:
- linked dotfiles.
- list of my most useful mac software including plugins and addons.
- most useful commands and shortcuts.
The dotfiles are being symlinked using stow as described in this blog entry.
In short:
- create new
file in~/.dotfiles/
stow ~/.dotfiles/
automatically links files into home directory
Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas.
Stores custom keyboard shortcuts and button remappings.
Store custom mouse configurations in per-device settings.
Check separate readme file
Ignore some directories in all repos.
Settings followed on most party by this video and
are stored in .tmux.conf
ctrl + b
<leader> = ctrl + b
<leader> + s
- show all sessions<leader> + w
- show all windows<leader> + $
- rename session<leader> + z
- maximize pane<leader> + [
- enter visual mode in terminal<leader> + {
- swap panes<leader> + L
- switch to last attached session
<leader> + ctrl + s
save sessions<leader> + ctrl + r
restore sessions
For aliases, settings and functions, I have three different files:
main run commands for my zsh terminal. This has the least manual configuration, except for calling (2.) and (4.)..bash_aliases
main configuration file for all aliases and shortcuts I am using. Executes (3.).watson_aliases
only configurations and functions for Cl tool watson for time tracking..bash_mac
(hidden) software and user specific config file. Is stored in a non-public cloud service.
Apart from configs that are stored here, I use some software without saved configs, such as:
IMAP email client for writing emails in markdown.
Calendar app.
notes in markdown. Notes themselves are stored in non-public cloud service.
ctrl + o
open quick switcher
[This](<file#first headline##second headline>)
is a link with spaces
Chromium based browser with the following addons:
Go back in historyT
Search through open tabsf
Show short cuts for linksf + shift + <short cut>
open short cut in new tabyy
copies current URL to clipboard
protects my eyes.
notifies for any repositories that you are watching. Also from organizations that don't allow e-mail notifications.
terminal for mac. Including the following tools:
to start
take <directory_name>
Creates <directory_name> and changes directory.
CLI to track time
AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.
Collect, organize, and annotate research.