Very primitive Python-based Geant4 simulation of particle interactions in liquid argon.
- Geant4
- g4py (which requires boost and XercesC)
A docker image which sets up the correct environment with the above mentioned packages is available at docker hub: zoyavallari/g4pybuild . This image on the docker hub can be used to build a container with any container platform such as docker, singularity or shifter.
$ docker pull zoyavallari/g4pybuild
$ singularity build container_name.sif docker://zoyavallari/g4pybuild
A volume that contains argon_box code should be bound to the container. The dockerfile itself is available at:
Mono-energetic particles:
$ python --nevents=100 --source='e-' --energy=2.0 --output='electron_2GeV_sim.root'
HepEVT data:
$ python --nevents=100 --source='input.hepevt' --output='hepevt_sim.root'
--seed=N: Change random seed
--physlist='QGSP_BERT': Set G4 Physics list (FTFP_BERT, QGSP_BERT, QGSP_BERT_HP)
--enable_edepsim: Enable primitive simulation of 3-D energy depositions
--edep_step: Energy deposition step size, in mm