This is the first public release of the MuWire Seedbox Daemon. For more information about the daemon see the main page but in short it is a headless MuWire node which only shares files.
Quick Start
- Download the .jar file from this release page and mark it as executable.
- Create a file called
in the same directory as the jar file. For full list of supported properties see the main page but it could be as simple as this:
# Host and port of an I2P or I2Pd daemon's I2CP interface
# MuWire nickname and working directory
# JSON-RPC interface configuration
# Minimum logging configuration
Now you're ready to launch the daemon. If all goes well, it should print the Spring Boot logo on stdout.
Try some commands
Full list of supported commands is available here. Assuming you bound the RPC interface to localhost:12345:
To check the current status of the seedbox daemon:
curl -d '{"id":0,"method":"status"}' http://localhost:12345/seedbox
To share a file or directory on the local filesystem:
curl -d '{"id":0,"method":"share", "params":["/absolute/path"]}' http://localhost:12345/seedbox
To un-share a file or directory that is currently shared:
curl -d '{"id":0,"method":"unsharePath", "params":["/absolute/path"]}' http://localhost:12345/seedbox
To shut down the daemon gracefully:
curl -d '{"id":0,"method":"shutdown"}' http://localhost:12345/seedbox