A repository of Leetcode practice that I have completed, sorted in directories by LeetCode problem
Directory | Number | Complete? |
Queue Reconstruction by Height | 406 | X |
Spiral Matrix | 54 | X |
Spiral Matrix II | 59 | X |
Spiral Matrix III | 885 | X |
Merge Two Sorted Lists | 21 | X |
Two Sum | 1 | X |
Add Two Numbers | 2 | X |
Valid Square | 593 | X |
Pascal's Triangle | 118 | X |
Complex Number Multiplication | 537 | X |
Container with Most Water | 11 | X |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | 26 | X |
Validate Binary Search Tree | 98 | X |
Balanced Binary Tree | 110 | X |
Invert Binary Tree | 226 | X |
Average of Levels in Binary Tree | 637 | X |
Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree | 671 | X |
Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters | 395 | X |
Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State | 794 | X |
N-th Tribonacci Number | 1137 | X |
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | 3 | X |
Reverse Integer | 4 | X |
String to Integer | 8 | X |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays | 4 | X |
Longest Palindromic Substring | 5 | X |
ZigZag Conversion | 6 | X |
Palindrome Number | 9 | X |
Integer to Roman | 12 | X |
Continuous Subarray String | 523 | X |
Find the N-th Value After K Seconds | 3179 | X |
Check if the Rectangle Corner Is Reachable | 3235 | X |
Score of a String | 3110 | X |
Harshad Number | 3099 | X |
Valid Word | 3136 | X |
Find Missing and Repeated Values | 2965 | X |
Distribute Candies Among Children I | 2928 | X |
Separate White and Black Balls | 2938 | X |
Shortest and Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful String | 2904 | X |