My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper analysis starts by writing code to read in files from the ‘LexisNexis’ newspaper archive. However, while I do recommend this exercise, not everyone has the time. This package provides functions to read in TXT, RTF, DOC and PDF files downloaded from the old ‘LexisNexis’ or DOCX from the new Nexis Uni, Lexis Advance and similar services. The package also comes with a few other features that should be useful while working with data from the popular newspaper archive.
Did you experience any problems, have questions or an idea about a great new feature? Then please don’t hesitate to file an issue report.
Install via:
Or get the development version by installing directly from GitHub (if
you do not have remotes
yet install it via
If you do not yet have files from ‘LexisNexis’ but want to test the
package, you can use lnt_sample()
to copy a sample file with mock data
into your current working directory:
‘LexisNexis’ does not give its files proper names. The function
renames files to a standard format: For TXT files this
format is “searchTerm_startDate-endDate_documentRange.txt” (e.g.,
“Obama_20091201-20100511_1-500.txt”) (for other file types the
format is similar but depends on what information is available). Note,
that this will not work if your files lack a cover page with this
information. Currently, it seems, like ‘LexisNexis’ only delivers those
cover pages when you first create a link to your search (“link to this
search” on the results page), follow this link, and then download the
TXT files from there (see here for a visual
If you do not want to rename files, you can skip to the next section.
The rest of the package’s functionality stays untouched by whether you
rename your files or not. However, in a larger database, you will profit
from a consistent naming scheme.
There are three ways in which you can rename the files:
- Run lnt_rename() directly in your working directory without the x argument, which will prompt an option to scan for TXT files in your current working directory:
report <- lnt_rename()
- Provide a folder path (and set
recursive = TRUE
if you want to scan for files recursively):
report <- lnt_rename(x = getwd(), report = TRUE)
- Provide a character object with file names. Use
to search for files in a certain path.
my_files <- list.files(pattern = ".txt", path = getwd(),
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE)
report <- lnt_rename(x = my_files, report = TRUE)
name_orig | name_new | status | type |
sample.TXT | SampleFile_20091201-20100511_1-10.txt | renamed | txt |
Using list.files()
instead of the built-in mechanism allows you to
specify a file pattern. This might be a preferred option if you have a
folder in which only some of the TXT files contain newspaper articles
from ‘LexisNexis’ but other files have the ending TXT as well. If you
are unsure what the TXT files in your chosen folder might contain, use
the option simulate = TRUE
(which is the default). The argument
report = TRUE
indicates that the output of the function in R
will be
a data.frame containing a report on which files have been changed on
your drive and how.
The main function of this package is lnt_read()
. It converts the raw
files into three different data.frames
nested in a special S4 object
of class LNToutput
. The three data.frames contain (1.) the metadata of
the articles, (2.) the articles themselves, and (3.) the paragraphs.
There are several important keywords that are used to split up the raw articles into article text and metadata. Those need to be provided in some form but can be left to ‘auto’ to use ‘LexisNexis’ defaults in several languages. All keywords can be regular expressions and need to be in most cases:
: The English default is “\d+ of \d+ DOCUMENTS$” which stands for, for example, “1 of 112 DOCUMENTS”. It is used to split up the text in the TXT files into individual articles. You will not have to change anything here, except you work with documents in languages other than the currently supported.end_keyword
: This keyword is used to remove unnecessary information at the end of an article. Usually, this is “^LANGUAGE:”. Where the keyword isn’t found, the additional information ends up in the article text.length_keyword
: This keyword, which is usually just “^LENGTH:” (or its equivalent in other languages) finds the information about the length of an article. However, since this is always the last line of the metadata, it is used to separate metadata and article text. There seems to be only one type of cases where this information is missing: if the article consists only of a graphic (which ‘LexisNexis’ does not retrieve). The final output fromlnt_read()
has a column namedGraphic
, which indicates if this keyword was missing. The article text then contains all metadata as well. In these cases, you should remove the whole article after inspecting it. (UseView(LNToutput@articles$Article[LNToutput@meta$Graphic])
to view these articles in a spreadsheet like viewer.)
To use the function, you can again provide either file name(s), folder
name(s) or nothing—to search the current working directory for relevant
files—as x
LNToutput <- lnt_read(x = getwd())
## Creating LNToutput from 1 file...
## ...files loaded [0.0016 secs]
## ...articles split [0.0089 secs]
## ...lengths extracted [0.0097 secs]
## ...newspapers extracted [0.01 secs]
## ...dates extracted [0.012 secs]
## ...authors extracted [0.013 secs]
## ...sections extracted [0.014 secs]
## ...editions extracted [0.014 secs]
## ...headlines extracted [0.016 secs]
## ...dates converted [0.023 secs]
## ...metadata extracted [0.026 secs]
## ...article texts extracted [0.029 secs]
## ...paragraphs extracted [0.041 secs]
## ...superfluous whitespace removed from articles [0.044 secs]
## ...superfluous whitespace removed from paragraphs [0.046 secs]
## Elapsed time: 0.047 secs
The returned object of class LNToutput
is intended to be an
intermediate container. As it stores articles and paragraphs in two
separate data.frames, nested in an S4 object, the relevant text data is
stored twice in almost the same format. This has the advantage, that
there is no need to use special characters, such as “\n”. However, it
makes the files rather big when you save them directly.
The object can, however, be easily converted to regular data.frames
using @
to select the data.frame you want:
meta_df <- LNToutput@meta
articles_df <- LNToutput@articles
paragraphs_df <- LNToutput@paragraphs
# Print meta to get an idea of the data
head(meta_df, n = 3)
ID | Source_File | Newspaper | Date | Length | Section | Author | Edition | Headline | Graphic |
1 | SampleFile_20091201-20100511_1-10.txt | | 2010-01-11 | 355 words | NA | Andrew Sparrow | NA | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | FALSE |
2 | SampleFile_20091201-20100511_1-10.txt | Guardian | 2010-01-11 | 927 words | NA | Simon Tisdall | NA | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | FALSE |
3 | SampleFile_20091201-20100511_1-10.txt | The Sun (England) | 2010-01-11 | 677 words | FEATURES; Pg. 6 | TREVOR Kavanagh | Edition 1; Scotland | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | FALSE |
If you want to keep only one data.frame including metadata and text data you can easily do so:
meta_articles_df <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "data.frame")
# Or keep the paragraphs
meta_paragraphs_df <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "data.frame", what = "Paragraphs")
Alternatively, you can convert LNToutput objects to formats common in
other packages using the function lnt_convert
rDNA_docs <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "rDNA")
quanteda_corpus <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "quanteda")
tCorpus <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "corpustools")
tidy <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "tidytext")
Corpus <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "tm")
dbloc <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "SQLite")
See ?lnt_convert
for details and comment in this
issue if you want
a format added to the convert function.
In ‘LexisNexis’ itself, there is an option to group highly similar
articles. However, experience shows that this feature does not always
work perfectly. One common problem when working with ‘LexisNexis’ data
is thus that many articles appear to be delivered twice or more times.
While direct duplicates can be filtered out using, for example,
LNToutput <- LNToutput[!duplicated(LNToutput@articles$Article), ]
does not work for articles with small differences. Hence when one comma
or white space is different between two articles, they are treated as
The function lnt_similarity()
combines the fast similarity measure
from quanteda with the much
slower but more accurate relative Levenshtein
distance to compare
all articles published on the same day. Calculating the Levenshtein
distance might be very slow though if you have many articles published
each day in your data set. If you think the less accurate similarity
measure might be sufficient in your case, simply turn this feature off
with rel_dist = FALSE
. The easiest way to use lnt_similarity()
is to
input an LNToutput
object directly. However, it is also possible to
provide texts, dates and IDs separately:
# Either provide a LNToutput
duplicates_df <- lnt_similarity(LNToutput = LNToutput,
threshold = 0.97)
# Or the important parts separatley
duplicates_df <- lnt_similarity(texts = LNToutput@articles$Article,
dates = LNToutput@meta$Date,
IDs = LNToutput@articles$ID,
threshold = 0.97)
## Checking similiarity for 10 articles over 4 dates...
## ...quanteda dfm construced for similarity comparison [0.063 secs].
## ...processing date 2010-01-08: 0 duplicates found [0.064 secs].
## ...processing date 2010-01-09: 0 duplicates found [0.064 secs].
## ...processing date 2010-01-10: 0 duplicates found [0.25 secs].
## ...processing date 2010-01-11: 5 duplicates found [3.05 secs].
## Threshold = 0.97; 4 days processed; 5 duplicates found; in 3.05 secs
Now you can inspect the results using the function
lnt_diff(duplicates_df, min = 0, max = Inf)
By default, 25 randomly selected articles are displayed one after another, ordered by least to most different within the min and max limits.
After you have chosen a good cut-off value, you can subset the
data.frame and remove the respective articles:
duplicates_df <- duplicates_df[duplicates_df$rel_dist < 0.2]
LNToutput <- LNToutput[!LNToutput@meta$ID %in% duplicates_df$ID_duplicate, ]
Note, that you can subset LNToutput objects almost like you would in a regular data.frame using the square brackets.
LNToutput[1, ]
## Object of class 'LNToutput':
## 1 articles
## 5 paragraphs
## # A tibble: 1 x 10
## ID Source_File Newspaper Date Length Section Author Edition Headline
## <int> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1 SampleFile… Guardian… 2010-01-11 355 w… <NA> Andre… <NA> Lorem i…
## # … with 1 more variable: Graphic <lgl>
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## ID Article
## <int> <chr>
## 1 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam lacinia …
## # A tibble: 5 x 3
## Art_ID Par_ID Paragraph
## <int> <int> <chr>
## 1 1 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam …
## 2 1 2 Duis eleifend ipsum vehicula nunc luctus vestibulum. Donec non …
## 3 1 3 Sed ut ex quis nisi interdum ornare quis quis velit. Ut element…
## 4 1 4 Aliquam ut consectetur urna, et dignissim turpis. Ut mattis ele…
## 5 1 5 Fusce sit amet aliquet lorem, id faucibus nisl. Nulla suscipit …
In this case, writing [1, ]
delivers an LNToutput object which
includes only the first article and the metadata and paragraphs
belonging to it.
Now you can extract the remaining articles or convert them to a format you prefer.
#' generate new dataframes without highly similar duplicates
meta_df <- LNToutput@meta
articles_df <- LNToutput@articles
paragraphs_df <- LNToutput@paragraphs
# Print e.g., meta to see how the data changed
head(meta_df, n = 3)
ID | Source_File | Newspaper | Date | Length | Section | Author | Edition | Headline | Graphic |
1 | SampleFile_20091201-20100511_1-10.txt | | 2010-01-11 | 355 words | NA | Andrew Sparrow | NA | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | FALSE |
2 | SampleFile_20091201-20100511_1-10.txt | Guardian | 2010-01-11 | 927 words | NA | Simon Tisdall | NA | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | FALSE |
3 | SampleFile_20091201-20100511_1-10.txt | The Sun (England) | 2010-01-11 | 677 words | FEATURES; Pg. 6 | TREVOR Kavanagh | Edition 1; Scotland | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | FALSE |
While downloading from ‘LexisNexis’, you have already used keywords to
filter relevant articles from a larger set. However, while working with
the data, your focus might change or you might want to find the
different versions of your keyword in the set. Both can be done using
lnt_lookup(LNToutput, pattern = "statistical computing")
## $`1`
## $`2`
## $`3`
## $`7`
## $`8`
## $`9`
## [1] "statistical computing" "statistical computing"
## $`10`
The output shows that the keyword pattern was only found in the article
with ID 9, all other values are NULL
, which means the keyword wasn’t
found. If your focus shifts and you want to subset your data to only
include articles which mention this keyword, you could append this
information to the meta information in the LNToutput object and then
subset it to articles where the list entry is different from
LNToutput@meta$stats <- lnt_lookup(LNToutput, pattern = "statistical computing")
LNToutput <- LNToutput[!sapply(LNToutput@meta$stats, is.null), ]
## Object of class 'LNToutput':
## 1 articles
## 7 paragraphs
## # A tibble: 1 x 11
## ID Source_File Newspaper Date Length Section Author Edition Headline
## <int> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 9 SampleFile… Sunday M… 2010-01-10 446 w… NEWS; … Ross … 3 Star… R (prog…
## # … with 2 more variables: Graphic <lgl>, stats <named list>
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## ID Article
## <int> <chr>
## 1 9 R is a programming language and free software environment for statistic…
## # A tibble: 7 x 3
## Art_ID Par_ID Paragraph
## <int> <int> <chr>
## 1 9 67 R is a programming language and free software environment for s…
## 2 9 68 R is a GNU package. The source code for the R software environm…
## 3 9 69 R is an implementation of the S programming language combined w…
## 4 9 70 R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the Univers…
## 5 9 71 R and its libraries implement a wide variety of statistical and…
## 6 9 72 Another strength of R is static graphics, which can produce pub…
## # … with 1 more row
Another use of the function is to find out which versions of your keyword are in the set. You can do so by using regular expressions. The following looks for words starting with the ‘stat’, followed by more characters, up until the end of the word (the pattern internally always starts and ends at a word boundary).
lnt_lookup(LNToutput, pattern = "stat.*?")
## $`9`
## [1] "statistical" "statisticians" "statistical" "statistical"
## [5] "statistical" "statistical" "static"
You can use table()
to count the different versions of patterns:
table(unlist(lnt_lookup(LNToutput, pattern = "stat.+?\\b")))
## static statistical statisticians
## 1 5 1
These are the common functions in LexisNexisTools. Do you feel like anything is missing from the package or is one of the functions not doing its job? File an issue here to let me know: issue tracker.