datax elasticsearchreader plugin, which is compatible with elasticsearch version 8.x.
对于阿里开源的datax-elasticsearchreader plugin, github上面其他可用的plugin通常适用于7.x及以下版本. 经过我个人使用发现,8.x版本由于升级,之前的版本出现了问题,因此站在巨人的肩膀上,我优化了代码,得到了这个适合es8.x的plugin
Regarding the DataX-ElasticsearchReader plugin open-sourced by Alibaba, other available plugins on GitHub are generally compatible with version 7.x and below. Through my personal use, I found that due to upgrades in version 8.x, issues arose with previous versions. Therefore, building on the foundation established by others, I optimized the code and developed this plugin suitable for ES8.x.
基于下列两个项目 based on projects below