Version 1.3
1.3 (March 25, 2024)
All bundles are now ordered according to LPI+ and
are output as full names instead of abbreviations.
Only the lowest shell is now used in the calculation of
the CSD response function. Corrects typos in babyAFQ and
GPU tracking, pARC/VOF cleaning parameters updated,
along with other minor improvements.
- Adds an example to plot stages of tractometry. (#1073)
- [FIX] fix bundle colors (#1116)
- Fix gpu tracking (#1115)
- Move s3 BIDS to separate repo (#1109)
- [DOC] try to reproduce and fix nightly test (#1113)
- [FIX] Set parc/vof cleaning params to default (#1111)
- [DOC] make altair example (#1108)
- [ENH] allow random seeds in gpu tracking (#1105)
- [FIX] force upgraded joblib (#1104)
- [ENH/FIX] Smarter file finding (#1103)
- Upgrade python versions supported, and drop 3.8. (#1102)
- (#1101)
- [ENH] add anisotropic kurtosis, make dki default? (#1097)
- [ENH] Make the cleaning easier to interact with (#1100)
- [ENH] Order all bundles according to LPI+ (#1099)
- [FIX] update this nightly test (#1095)
- [ENH] Some segmentation speed-ups (#1094)
- Use only the lowest shell in calculation of the CSD response function. (#1089)
- [FIX] Fix GPU Tractography (#1091)
- [ENH] Begin removing confusing abbreviations (#1086)
- [ENH] simplify verbose tracking (#1087)
- [FIX] correct typo in baby bundle dict OR (#1088)
- [ENH] more little tweaks to the AFQ viz utils panelfigure class (#1084)
- (#1085)