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Merge pull request #659 from slotThe/x.u.parser
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New Module: XMonad.Util.Parser
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slotThe authored Dec 17, 2021
2 parents 061faf1 + 520c518 commit 0010735
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Showing 8 changed files with 345 additions and 99 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@

### Breaking Changes

* `XMonad.Util.EZConfig`

- The functions `parseKey`, `parseKeyCombo`, and `parseKeySequence`
now return a `Parser` (from `XMonad.Util.Parser`) instead of a

### New Modules

* `XMonad.Layout.CenteredIfSingle`
Expand All @@ -21,6 +27,11 @@
While XMonad provides config to set all window borders at the same
width, this extension defines and sets border width for each window.

* `XMonad.Util.Parser`

A wrapper around the 'ReadP' parser combinator, providing behaviour
that's closer to the more popular parser combinator libraries.

### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

* `XMonad.Prompt`
Expand Down
106 changes: 39 additions & 67 deletions XMonad/Prompt/OrgMode.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ import XMonad.Prelude

import XMonad (X, io)
import XMonad.Prompt (XPConfig, XPrompt (showXPrompt), mkXPrompt)
import XMonad.Util.Parser
import XMonad.Util.XSelection (getSelection)

import Data.Time (Day (ModifiedJulianDay), NominalDiffTime, UTCTime (utctDay), addUTCTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, fromGregorian, getCurrentTime, iso8601DateFormat, nominalDay, toGregorian)
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.IO (IOMode (AppendMode), hPutStrLn, withFile)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP, munch, munch1, readP_to_S, skipSpaces, string, (<++))

{- $usage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,96 +357,68 @@ ppNote clp todo = \case

-- | Parse the given string into a 'Note'.
pInput :: String -> Maybe Note
pInput inp = fmap fst . listToMaybe . (`readP_to_S` inp) . lchoice $
pInput inp = (`runParser` inp) . choice $
[ Scheduled <$> getLast "+s" <*> (Time <$> pDate <*> pTimeOfDay)
, Deadline <$> getLast "+d" <*> (Time <$> pDate <*> pTimeOfDay)
, NormalMsg <$> munch1 (const True)
getLast :: String -> ReadP String
getLast :: String -> Parser String
getLast ptn = reverse
. dropWhile (== ' ') -- trim whitespace at the end
. drop (length ptn) -- drop only the last pattern
. reverse
. concat
<$> endBy1 (go "") (pure ptn)
go :: String -> ReadP String
go :: String -> Parser String
go consumed = do
str <- munch (/= head ptn)
word <- munch1 (/= ' ')
bool go pure (word == ptn) $ consumed <> str <> word

-- | Try to parse a 'Time'.
pTimeOfDay :: ReadP (Maybe TimeOfDay)
pTimeOfDay = lchoice
[ Just <$> (TimeOfDay <$> pInt <* string ":" <*> pInt ) -- HH:MM
, Just <$> (TimeOfDay <$> pInt <*> pure 0) -- HH
pTimeOfDay :: Parser (Maybe TimeOfDay)
pTimeOfDay = choice
[ Just <$> (TimeOfDay <$> num <* string ":" <*> num ) -- HH:MM
, Just <$> (TimeOfDay <$> num <*> pure 0) -- HH
, pure Nothing

-- | Parse a 'Date'.
pDate :: ReadP Date
pDate = skipSpaces *> lchoice
[ pString "tod" "ay" Today
, pString "tom" "orrow" Tomorrow
, Next <$> pNext
, Date <$> pDate1 <++ pDate2 <++ pDate3
pDate :: Parser Date
pDate = skipSpaces *> choice
[ pPrefix "tod" "ay" Today
, pPrefix "tom" "orrow" Tomorrow
, Next <$> pNext
, Date <$> pDate'
] <* skipSpaces -- cleanup
pNext :: ReadP DayOfWeek = lchoice
[ pString "m" "onday" Monday , pString "tu" "esday" Tuesday
, pString "w" "ednesday" Wednesday, pString "th" "ursday" Thursday
, pString "f" "riday" Friday , pString "sa" "turday" Saturday
, pString "su" "nday" Sunday
pNext :: Parser DayOfWeek = choice
[ pPrefix "m" "onday" Monday , pPrefix "tu" "esday" Tuesday
, pPrefix "w" "ednesday" Wednesday, pPrefix "th" "ursday" Thursday
, pPrefix "f" "riday" Friday , pPrefix "sa" "turday" Saturday
, pPrefix "su" "nday" Sunday

-- XXX: This is really horrible, but I can't see a way to not have
-- exponential blowup with ReadP otherwise.
pDate1, pDate2, pDate3 :: ReadP (Int, Maybe Int, Maybe Integer)
pDate1 = pDate' (fmap Just) (fmap Just)
pDate2 = pDate' (fmap Just) (const (pure Nothing))
pDate3 = pDate' (const (pure Nothing)) (const (pure Nothing))
:: (ReadP Int -> ReadP (f Int ))
-> (ReadP Integer -> ReadP (f Integer))
-> ReadP (Int, f Int, f Integer)
pDate' p p' =
(,,) <$> pInt
<*> p (skipSpaces *> lchoice
[ pString "ja" "nuary" 1 , pString "f" "ebruary" 2
, pString "mar" "ch" 3 , pString "ap" "ril" 4
, pString "may" "" 5 , pString "jun" "e" 6
, pString "jul" "y" 7 , pString "au" "gust" 8
, pString "s" "eptember" 9 , pString "o" "ctober" 10
, pString "n" "ovember" 11, pString "d" "ecember" 12
pDate' :: Parser (Int, Maybe Int, Maybe Integer)
pDate' =
(,,) <$> num
<*> optional (skipSpaces *> choice
[ pPrefix "ja" "nuary" 1 , pPrefix "f" "ebruary" 2
, pPrefix "mar" "ch" 3 , pPrefix "ap" "ril" 4
, pPrefix "may" "" 5 , pPrefix "jun" "e" 6
, pPrefix "jul" "y" 7 , pPrefix "au" "gust" 8
, pPrefix "s" "eptember" 9 , pPrefix "o" "ctober" 10
, pPrefix "n" "ovember" 11, pPrefix "d" "ecember" 12
<*> p' (skipSpaces *> pInt >>= \i -> guard (i >= 25) $> i)

-- | Parse a @start@ and see whether the rest of the word (separated by
-- spaces) fits the @leftover@.
pString :: String -> String -> a -> ReadP a
pString start leftover ret = do
void $ string start
l <- munch (/= ' ')
guard (l `isPrefixOf` leftover)
pure ret

-- | Parse a number.
pInt :: (Read a, Integral a) => ReadP a
pInt = read <$> munch1 isDigit

-- | Like 'choice', but with '(<++)' instead of '(+++)', stopping
-- parsing when the left-most parser succeeds.
lchoice :: [ReadP a] -> ReadP a
lchoice = foldl' (<++) empty

-- | Like 'Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP.endBy1', but only return the
-- parse where @parser@ had the highest number of applications.
endBy1 :: ReadP a -> ReadP sep -> ReadP [a]
endBy1 parser sep = many1 (parser <* sep)
-- | Like 'Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP.many1', but use '(<++)'
-- instead of '(+++)'.
many1 :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
many1 p = (:) <$> p <*> (many1 p <++ pure [])
<*> optional (skipSpaces *> num >>= \i -> guard (i >= 25) $> i)

-- | Parse a prefix and drop a potential suffix up to the next (space
-- separated) word. If successful, return @ret@.
pPrefix :: String -> String -> a -> Parser a
pPrefix start leftover ret = do
void $ string start
l <- munch (/= ' ')
guard (l `isPrefixOf` leftover)
pure ret
57 changes: 29 additions & 28 deletions XMonad/Util/EZConfig.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Util.EZConfig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,21 +35,24 @@ module XMonad.Util.EZConfig (

parseKey, -- used by XMonad.Util.Paste
parseKeySequence, readKeySequence
parseKeySequence, readKeySequence,
#ifdef TESTING
functionKeys, specialKeys, multimediaKeys,
) where

import XMonad
import XMonad.Actions.Submap
import XMonad.Prelude hiding (many)
import XMonad.Prelude

import XMonad.Util.NamedActions
import XMonad.Util.Parser

import Control.Arrow (first, (&&&))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ord (comparing)

import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

-- $usage
-- To use this module, first import it into your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,40 +412,39 @@ readKeymap c = mapMaybe (maybeKeys . first (readKeySequence c))
-- | Parse a sequence of keys, returning Nothing if there is
-- a parse failure (no parse, or ambiguous parse).
readKeySequence :: XConfig l -> String -> Maybe [(KeyMask, KeySym)]
readKeySequence c = listToMaybe . parses
where parses = map fst . filter (null.snd) . readP_to_S (parseKeySequence c)
readKeySequence c = runParser (parseKeySequence c)

-- | Parse a sequence of key combinations separated by spaces, e.g.
-- @\"M-c x C-S-2\"@ (mod+c, x, ctrl+shift+2).
parseKeySequence :: XConfig l -> ReadP [(KeyMask, KeySym)]
parseKeySequence c = sepBy1 (parseKeyCombo c) (many1 $ char ' ')
parseKeySequence :: XConfig l -> Parser [(KeyMask, KeySym)]
parseKeySequence c = parseKeyCombo c `sepBy1` many1 (char ' ')

-- | Parse a modifier-key combination such as "M-C-s" (mod+ctrl+s).
parseKeyCombo :: XConfig l -> ReadP (KeyMask, KeySym)
parseKeyCombo :: XConfig l -> Parser (KeyMask, KeySym)
parseKeyCombo c = do mods <- many (parseModifier c)
k <- parseKey
return (foldl' (.|.) 0 mods, k)

-- | Parse a modifier: either M- (user-defined mod-key),
-- C- (control), S- (shift), or M#- where # is an integer
-- from 1 to 5 (mod1Mask through mod5Mask).
parseModifier :: XConfig l -> ReadP KeyMask
parseModifier c = (string "M-" >> return (modMask c))
+++ (string "C-" >> return controlMask)
+++ (string "S-" >> return shiftMask)
+++ do _ <- char 'M'
n <- satisfy (`elem` ['1'..'5'])
_ <- char '-'
return $ indexMod (read [n] - 1)
parseModifier :: XConfig l -> Parser KeyMask
parseModifier c = (string "M-" $> modMask c)
<> (string "C-" $> controlMask)
<> (string "S-" $> shiftMask)
<> do _ <- char 'M'
n <- satisfy (`elem` ['1'..'5'])
_ <- char '-'
return $ indexMod (read [n] - 1)
where indexMod = (!!) [mod1Mask,mod2Mask,mod3Mask,mod4Mask,mod5Mask]

-- | Parse an unmodified basic key, like @\"x\"@, @\"<F1>\"@, etc.
parseKey :: ReadP KeySym
parseKey = parseRegular +++ parseSpecial
parseKey :: Parser KeySym
parseKey = parseSpecial <> parseRegular

-- | Parse a regular key name (represented by itself).
parseRegular :: ReadP KeySym
parseRegular = choice [ char s >> return k
parseRegular :: Parser KeySym
parseRegular = choice [ char s $> k
| (s,k) <- zip ['!' .. '~' ] -- ASCII
[xK_exclam .. xK_asciitilde]

Expand All @@ -450,13 +453,11 @@ parseRegular = choice [ char s >> return k

-- | Parse a special key name (one enclosed in angle brackets).
parseSpecial :: ReadP KeySym
parseSpecial = do _ <- char '<'
key <- choice [ string name >> return k
| (name,k) <- keyNames
_ <- char '>'
return key
parseSpecial :: Parser KeySym
parseSpecial = do _ <- char '<'
choice [ k <$ string name <* char '>'
| (name, k) <- keyNames

-- | A list of all special key names and their associated KeySyms.
keyNames :: [(String, KeySym)]
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