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A KD-Tree in C++


This is a minimal example, missing the necessary #includes and the boilerplate Point class. The full working example can be found at test/example.cpp.

int main()
  typedef KD::Core<3, Point> CORE;

  Point min(0, 0, 0);
  Point max(9, 9, 9);
  KD::Tree<CORE> kdtree(min, max);

  kdtree.insert(Point(1, 2, 3));
  kdtree.insert(Point(8, 2, 5));
  kdtree.insert(Point(1, 0, 8));
  kdtree.insert(Point(3, 1, 4));

  std::cout << kdtree.nearest(Point(5, 5, 5)) << std::endl;
  return 0;


The KD-Tree exposes the following methods:

  • void insert(const Item& item)
    Adds an item to the tree.

  • std::vector<Item> find(const Point& point, int count, Coord radius)
    Returns the count closest items that lie within radius units of point.

  • Item nearest(const Point& point)
    Returns the item closest to point. If no items are found, this method throws a std::underflow_error.

  • std::vector<Item> nearest(const Point& point, int count)
    Returns the nearest count items to point.

  • std::vector<Item> within(const Point& point, Coord radius)
    Returns all items within radius units of point.

  • void remove(const Item& item)
    Removes an item from the tree.

Some notes on the above:

  • If count is given as an argument, the result vector may contain fewer items if there are not enough that match the search criteria.

  • When results are returned as a std::vector<Item>, that vector is sorted by increasing distance from the search point.

  • Items are passed around by value, not by reference. As such, the KD-Tree is best suited for storing pointers, acting as an index onto existing data.


The KD-Tree takes a single template parameter, refered to as CORE throughout the internal implementation. This should be a struct with the appropriate members to fine-tune the tree's behaviour. An annotated example:

struct CORE
  typedef Thing* Item;  // The type we store in the tree.
  typedef Point  Point; // The type we read coordinates from.
  typedef float  Coord; // The type of individual coordinates.

  static const int DIMENSIONS =  3; // We're in a three-dimensional space.
  static const int MAX_DEPTH  = 10; // The tree will reach at most ten levels.
  static const int STORAGE    =  8; // Leaves can hold eight items before splitting.

  // Get the distance of a point along the given axis.
  static Coord coordinate(const Point& point, int axis)
    return point[axis];

  // Get the location of an item
  static const Point& point(const Item& item)
    return item->point();

Configuration Helpers

Most uses don't need so much control. For these cases, we provide a KD::Core template class equivalent to:

template <
  class Item,
  class Point      = Item,
  class Coord      = double,
  int   STORAGE    = 8,
  int   MAX_DEPTH  = 32
> struct KD::Core {...};

It can be used as long as the following functions are available:

  • Coord Point::operator[] (int axis) const
    To extract a coordinate from a point.

  • const Point& Item::point() const
    To extract the position of an item. This function is only required if Item is neither the same type as Point nor a pointer to Point.

Implementation Details

Internally, a KD-Tree node can be one of three subtypes of the polymorphic KD::Node:

  • KD::Tree
    A node that stores no data. It simply dispatches method calls to the nodes beneath it.

  • KD::Twig
    A leaf node that is above CORE::MAX_DEPTH. A twig node can store up to CORE::STORAGE items, but further insertions will cause it to split, becoming a tree node with new storage nodes beneath it.

  • KD::Leaf
    A permanent leaf node - one at CORE::MAX_DEPTH. A leaf node can hold any number of items. It begins with a capacity of CORE::STORAGE, and increases its capacity by CORE::STORAGE whenever it would overflow.

Note that unlike the canonical KD-Tree, this version stores items only in leaf (and twig) nodes. This costs a little extra storage space, but allows for some nice simplifications:

  • At each split, the space is divided exactly in half along the appropriate axis, regardless of the positions of any items. Oddly placed items cannot unbalance the tree.

  • Deletion is much simpler (and should be faster) for the same reason: removing an item doesn't affect the division of the space, so the tree doesn't need to be rebalanced.


A KD-Tree in C++







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