INACTIVE NOTICE: This plugin is unsupported by WPMUDEV, we've published it here for those technical types who might want to fork and maintain it for their needs.
Login with Facebook, autopost, comment mirroring, one-click registration, like and share buttons, open graph, use Facebook avatars, share albums, display recent Facebook activity feed and a heap of widgets.
It would take over a dozen mix-n-match plugins to get this kind of Facebook integration anywhere else.
Automatically share new posts on your blog to Facebook.
Autopost to your wall or page for better social marketing without spending any extra time on Facebook.
Merge comments made on Facebook with your comment thread and share a feed of Facebook comments.
Allow users to register and log in with their Facebook account.
Let users register, use their Facebook avatar and logon to your site with a click. Add a Login with Facebook button to the login page. Get better contact information, build your user base and eliminate lost password support tickets.
Widgets make it easy to integrate Facebook into your site.
5 frontend widgets, 1 dashboard widget and an entire shortcode catalog seamlessly integrate Facebook with any WordPress theme. Share albums, 'Like' buttons, events and registration information anywhere.