CAU 2022-1 Capstone Design Project Repository
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- Team name: 올인원 전시회 플랫폼, 아뜰리에(Atelier)
- Seunguk Yu: School of Computer Science & Engineering in CAU
- Seungyeon Lee: School of Computer Science & Engineering in CAU
- Jiho Lee: School of Computer Science & Engineering in CAU
Entire Logic: Overall UI logic for our Atelier service
Main Page: Introduce our all-in-one exhibition platform service, allow user login & logout and starting service
Create Page: Make user's own exhibition during 4 steps
Recommend Page: Get recommended offline exhibition related to user's own exhibition
Online Exhibition Page: List of online exhibitions by others
Offline Exhibition Page: List of offline exhibitions by crawling
Step 1: Register exhibition titles, posters and hashtags
Step 2: Register exhibition photos and descriptions
Step 3: Select exhibition BGM
Step 4: Select exhibition photo templates
by KR-WordRank, Konlpy, Gensim with Word2vec, Numpy