Schemaspy jar and datbase jdbc drivers and a python wrapper to schemaspy, named schemaspy.py This package provides easy installation of schemaspy on Unix-like platforms.
For thoses who doesn't know what is it: SchemaSpy analyzes database metadata to reverse engineer dynamic Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams (LGPL, Database, Front-Ends, MySQL, SQLite).
See also: http://schemaspy.sourceforge.net/
sudo su
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/wolfprogrammer/schemaspybin
Schemaspy python command line wrapper.
$ /opt/schemaspy.py
usage: schemaspy.py [-h] [--database DATABASE] [--output OUTPUT] [--path PATH]
Schemaspy Python Wrapper
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--database DATABASE, -d DATABASE
Database Type
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output directory
--path PATH, -p PATH Database path
--supported Print all supported databases
./schemaspy.py -p [dbtype]://[user][:password]@hostname[:port]/database
SQLite Schema
./schemaspy.py -p sqlite:///home/tux/.zotserver/zotero.sqlite -o zotero3
Postgres SQL Schema
./schemaspy.py -p postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/biblivre3 -o biblivre3
sqltables.py is a SQLAlchemy-based database analyser.
- Explore datbase with Ipython
- Generate graphical schema
- Show tables and columns
- Generate database python-SQLAlchemy table code.
- Examples provided.
$ /opt/schemaspy/sqltables.py
usage: /opt/schemaspy/sqltables.py [-h] [--database DATABASE] [--path PATH]
[--tables] [--table TABLE] [--explore]
SlQL Table constructor
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--database DATABASE, -d DATABASE
Database type
--path PATH, -p PATH Database URL
--tables, -ts Print database tables
--table TABLE, -t TABLE
Print table columns
--explore, -e Interactively explore the database
--schema, -s Create schema
Create python SQL Alchemy tables of SQL databases
./sqltables.py -d sqlite -p /home/tux/.zotserver/zotero.sqlite > tables.py
./sqltables.py -d postgresql -p postgres:postgres@localhost/biblivre3 > tables.py