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Bf2statistics Installation guide Written by wilson212


// **************************************************************
// Intro

		Welcome and thank you for downloading BF2statistics UnOfficial version 1.4.7! This BF2stats system was written by Chump, MrNiceGuy,
	The shadow, and many more. All i have done is take BF2statistics 1.4.2 and added many fixes that myself and many others have pushed in the
	forums. I donot take all credit for these fixes, and I certainly donot take credit for writting any of the BF2statistics scripts.

// **************************************************************
// Things Needed for intallation

	- Battlefield 2 Version 1.41 or 1.50 (patch found on various websites, just google bf2 1.41 / 1.50 patch)
	- Bf2 dedicated server 1.41 or 1.50 (found here: and here
	- xampp or other Apache, PHP, CuRL, and Mysql software

// **************************************************************
// Installation

	=== Table of contents ===

	1.Installing xampp
	2.Creating the database
	3.Installing the dedicated server
	4.Installing/Updating the database
	5.Final Installation of script files
	6. Online accounts and unlocks
	7.FAQ / Editing

	1. So first off is to install xampp on your computer ( any version, 1.4.7 tested and works on xampp 1.7.7, and Wamp 2.2c ). When it brings up the 
		screen that asks you to pick which services to install, make sure you check off MySql, and Apache services. If you already have 
		apache, MySQL, PHP, and CuRL installed on your machine, then xampp isnt needed
	2. When all is said and done and it is installed, open up your webbrowser and type in the address bar. Select your language.

	2.1 Click on Phpmyadmin on the left hand side about halfway down the screen.

	2.2 Next, under "create new database", (about halway down the screen towards the middle), Type in bf2stats. Then select "create".

	2.3 Next, your going to add a user to access and modify these stats. At the top of the screen, click "localhost", then click on "privilages"

	2.4 you should get a table that looks like this:

		User overview
		A	B 	C	D	E	F	G	H	I	J	K	L	M	N	O	P 	Q	R 	S	T	U	V	W	X	Y	Z	[Show all]
			User 	Host 	Password 	Global privileges Tip 	Grant 	
			pma 	localhost 	No 	SHUTDOWN 	No 	Edit Privileges
			root 	No 	ALL PRIVILEGES 	Yes 	Edit Privileges
			root 	localhost 	No 	ALL PRIVILEGES 	Yes 	Edit Privileges
		With selected: Check All / Uncheck All

		Add a new User  <--- CLICK ON THIS!!!

	2.5 Click on "ADD NEW USER" shown above.

	2.6 For user name type in bf2statslogger, and for host pick local, and for password, put bf2. Down below make sure
	you select all privilages 
	3. Next Install the Bf2 dediacted server. by default it shoud install in %systemroot%\program files\EAgames\ 

	3.1 Once installed, swap out the python folder ( battlefield 2 server\python ) with the one in the "Server Files" folder included
		with this readme. ( this folder/Server Files/ )
	3.2 Also included in the "Server Files" folder is 2 files called "BF2_ServerLauncher.vbs" and "SetACL.exe." Place these files in the battlefield 2 server folder as well.

	3.3 after that, Place the ASP folder in the "Web Files" folder included with this readme ( this folder/Web Files/ ) into your htdocs or www folder (%systemroot%\xampp\htdocs.)
	3.4 I also included BF2s Clone. If you want to use this ( Its a player stats web interface like this -> ) Then also insert this into your htdocs / www folder
	3.4.1 To install BF2s Clone, go
	4. Next, open your browser and type in the address bar "" ... for the username, type: Admin and the password is: Password. The username
		and password ARE CASE SENSATIVE!

	4.1 Once logged in we need to install the so by clicking "install DB" ont he top left corner.

	4.2 On this next screen it will ask:
			        |server		|localhost		|
				    |databse	|bf2stats		|	
				    |username	|bf2statslogger	|
				    |password	|bf2			|
	input the following information and click "confirm process" at the bottom, then click "process"

	4.3 The next screen should show you installing and loading various information. you should only get 1 error as shown in screen shot...warnings are ok.

	4.4 Next click on Upgrade DB (left hand corner) and type in the information just like before. you WILL ALWAYS see 10 ERRORS or skips! this is normal dont freak out.

	4.5 next click "test Config". Everything should pass except "backup path writable"
		which is not a big deal. If you get 1 or 2 warnings, thats fine as well.
	5. You need to edit your host file in order for your stats to be loaded from YOUR stats database and not the Gamepsy one. 
		To do this you need to edit this file, go to %systemroot%\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host. You may or may 
		not need admin rights to change the file name, i dont know, but if you dont then just rename the the host file to 
		host_ or something, then copy the one included in my folder into you host directory. The one included has all privilages
		granted on it, where a normal host file is protected.
	5.1 If you are not hosting the ASP on the same machine as the server, then you need to edit the BF2 server statistics config
		It is located "<bf2 server>/python/bf2/"
	5.2 Next you need to setup your server settings. Go to battlefield 2 server\mods\bf2\setting\serversettings.con
		If you are gonna Play offline, then you leave the sv.serverIP blank. If you want to play locally with a few friends,
		then you need to import your computers IPv4 get your IPv4 address, open your command prompt and type
		"ipconfig" and hit enter...scroll up till you see your IPv4 Address and copy that down. Edit all the other setting to
		your liking.
	5.3 LAST step :p ... All you have to do now is is either A) Copy the shortcut included on your desktop, and edit the properties
		to point to your servers exe file (BF2_w32ded.exe) OR B) Create a shortcut to your BF2_ServerLauncher.vbs in your bf2 server folder. 
		You must start the server using the shortcut so the vbs file can prevent BF2 from reading your HOST file, AND redirect BF2 to your 
		stats DB instead of the gamespy one.
	6. If you want to use unlocks on your private server, then there is a few things to do. First... You need to make sure that
		anyone playing on your server, has their host files set like so "<your BF2 Server IP>". Even with hamanchi!
		If the computer is local for you, then its just Users can now login with an online account, and play on your srever. 
		As long as the redirect is there in the hosts file, you can login with online accounts and use this stats system with unlocks.
													 FAQ / EDITING

	1.How do i edit the number of bots in a game and there difficulty settings?

		Y can have only up to 32 bots in a coop game. to adjust these settings,
		go to battlefield 2 server\mods\bf2\settings\serversettings.con. towards the bottom you will see the options
		to adjust these settings. do i change the gamemodes and maps i play on?

		To easy... Go to battlefield 2 server\mods\bf2\setting\maplist.con. An example is shown here: for Conquest mode
		on map dalian plant looks like this: "mapList.append Dalian_plant gpm_cq 32"... for Co-Op it should look like 
		this: "mapList.append dalian_plant gpm_coop 16"... Note that coop only supports 16 size maps unless its a custom

	3.How do i change the requirment for earning medals and ranks?

		Open up your "bf2 server directory, in python\bf2\stats\" is where you can edit anything and 
		everything concerning awards and rank. Note that for awards and badges, when it says time, It's refered to in
		seconds. So 3600 is 1 hour of gameplay. Also note that ranks such as SMOC and 4 star general can be awarded
		within your database as well. Type in in your address bar. Click on "Edit Players". Select your
		player, and select the new rank.
		*NOTE* If you remove any requirements from medals/badges/ribbbons. then it is highly suggested you edit your
			bf2stats server config "python/bf2/" and enable "medals_force_keystring" ( medals_force_keystring = 1 ).
			Failure to do so can prevent awards from issueing at all.

	4. How do i host my server Locally again?

		Go into your bf2 server directory, \mods\bf2\settings\serversettings.con and under the sv.serverIP, input your
		computers IPv4 address. to get your IPv4 address, open your command prompt and type"ipconfig" and hit 
		enter...scroll up till you see your IPv4 Address and copy that down.

	5.How do i adjust the amount of points i get for kills and flag captures etc?

		For editing kills and those kind of stats, you have to edit batlefield 2 server\mods\bf2\python\game
		\ Now to deit the amount of points for flag captures, flag defends, neutralization
		points, battlefield 2 server\mods\bf2\python\game\gamemodes\ or
// **************************************************************
// Referances and Help

	If you have any issues... Please refer to the BF2statistics forums please (


Private ranking system for Ea's BF2






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